Carnet de Beauté

Do you have questions? We'll answer them! Discover the cosmetic advice designed to accompany your daily life.

We tell you everything! - You have questions? We answer them! Discover the cosmetic advice designed to accompany your daily life.

We tell you everything!

Why exfoliate your scalp?

Why exfoliate your scalp?

Quels sont les bienfaits d'une exfoliation pour tes cheveux ? Découvre les réponses à toutes tes questions dans cet article !
How to counteract the effects of alcohol on the skin?

How to counteract the effects of alcohol on the skin?

Let the one who has never spent a day after a party thinking "BUT WHY?" cast the first stone!

How can I get rid of chafing irritation?

How can I get rid of chafing irritation?

Frottements des cuisses, port du masque, des branches de lunettes, des talons, des baleines de soutif…
Spray, roll on, stick ... Quel Déodorant choisir ?

Spray, roll on, stick ... Quel Déodorant choisir ?

Été comme hiver, le déodorant fait partie de nos indispensables. Qu’il soit en spray, en bille, en stick ou encore en crème, on attend de lui qu’il soit efficace contre les mauvaises odeurs et l’excès de transpiration.

Curly hair: ingredients to avoid

Curly hair: ingredients to avoid

Curly hair has very specific needs ("Hey, you have 45 minutes to spare? I just need to detangle my hair!) Turning to cosmetics that make daily life easier quickly becomes a natural reflex for some. However, be careful not to forget to check the composition of the products (which is not natural)!

Cheveux bouclés : Comment en prendre soin ?

Cheveux bouclés : Comment en prendre soin ?

Le cheveu bouclé est plus poreux par nature. Cela signifie que ses écailles sont ouvertes, rendant le cheveu moins hermétique à l’humidité. 

Nipple pain: where does it come from?

Nipple pain: where does it come from?

Some of us have already had this very unpleasant, even painful sensation: nipple pain. Don't panic, there is a simple solution to remedy this!

Comment protéger sa peau du stress ?

Comment protéger sa peau du stress ?

Stress is a reaction of our body to an aggression and it has a real impact on our body and on our skin.
Comment retrouver une peau éclatante ?

Comment retrouver une peau éclatante ?

Un teint terne, des traits relâchés, une perte d’éclat sont le résultat de nombreux facteurs : la pollution, la lumière bleue, l’exposition aux UV, le stress, un déséquilibre ou une carence alimentaire, un manque d’eau ou de sommeil…
Comment prendre soin de sa peau sensibilisée en hiver ?

Comment prendre soin de sa peau sensibilisée en hiver ?

L’hiver est LA période de l’année qui met la peau particulièrement à rude épreuve.
Masser son corps : Pourquoi c'est si important ?

Masser son corps : Pourquoi c'est si important ?

Le massage permet de relaxer son corps, de rendre les muscles plus souples et leurs articulations plus résistantes. Mais pas seulement !
Pollution et Peau : quels sont les impacts ?

Pollution et Peau : quels sont les impacts ?

Pollution has harmful effects on our skin: dryness, sensitivity, spots, premature ageing, clogged pores, imperfections and dullness.
Sunburn: how can you repair your skin?

Sunburn: how can you repair your skin?

Summer often means prolonged exposure to the sun. As the UV index is higher during this season, it's a good time to remember to protect your skin to avoid sunburn. 

Keratosis pilaris: how is it treated?

Keratosis pilaris: how is it treated?

Chicken skin, strawberry skin, sandpaper... Keratosis pilaris goes by many names, but its cause is unique.
Summertime vulval irritation: how to relieve it?

Summertime vulval irritation: how to relieve it?

With the arrival of summer and the rise in temperature, some of us are more susceptible to irritation and mycosis of the intimate area.
I have heavy legs: what can I do?

I have heavy legs: what can I do?

Heavy legs are associated with venous insufficiency.

I'm red, I glow: what can I do?

I'm red, I glow: what can I do?

L’été ou après un coup de chaud, on constate souvent que la peau du visage brille et c’est loin d’être agréable. Découvre comment y remédier !
It's summer: How to repair your skin and hair?

It's summer: How to repair your skin and hair?

Summer means vacations, beaches, sun... ☀️C is the CQFD of summer ☀️ 

But it's also synonymous with sunburn and dry hair!

Hair and hormones: what's the link?

Hair and hormones: what's the link?

Hormones, from adolescence and throughout our adult lives, have a direct impact on the quality of our skin. But what about our hair?
Blackheads, enlarged pores, facial imperfections: how to get rid of them?

Blackheads, enlarged pores, facial imperfections: how to get rid of them?

Put an end to preconceived ideas: no, blackheads aren't just for teenagers!
Sensibilité et irritations : Comment prendre soin de son cuir chevelu ?

Sensibilité et irritations : Comment prendre soin de son cuir chevelu ?

Tout comme la peau de notre visage, notre cuir chevelu subit, lui aussi, de nombreuses agressions extérieures sources de sensibilité, de démangeaisons et de tiraillements, parfois allant jusqu’à accélérer la chute du cheveu.
L'endométriose : Qu'est ce que c'est ?

L'endométriose : Qu'est ce que c'est ?

Lorsque notre endomètre (tissu qui tapisse l’utérus et s’épaissit lors du cycle) se désagrège, et provoque des saignements (les règles), une partie migre et se disperse dans l’abdomen.
All about menstrual pain

All about menstrual pain

Are you having trouble managing your period pains? Find out what causes your pain and how to relieve it naturally!
"At night, I sleep!" Yes, but not our skin!

"At night, I sleep!" Yes, but not our skin!

Night usually means rest, but not for our skin! Yes, while we sleep, our cells are activated and regenerate.
Menstrual pain: How to relieve stomach ache?

Menstrual pain: How to relieve stomach ache?

Stomach ache, nausea or vomiting are part of menstrual pain. Find out how to relieve them naturally and quickly in this article!
What suffocates the skin: How to get rid of all the impurities?

What suffocates the skin: How to get rid of all the impurities?

Despite our efforts to protect it, the skin is subjected to aggressions throughout the day: stress, pollution, dust, cold... It is damaged and cannot repair itself as it should.
Premenstrual syndrome: How to relieve it?

Premenstrual syndrome: How to relieve it?

Premenstrual syndrome is a set of physical and emotional symptoms that appear just before your period. Find out how to relieve your PMS!
Muscle pain: which natural relaxants?

Muscle pain: which natural relaxants?

Do you suffer from muscle pain? Discover the natural solutions to relieve your aches and tensions and relax your painful muscles.
Vaginal dryness: what solutions?

Vaginal dryness: what solutions?

Do you suffer from a lack of vaginal lubrication? Vaginal dryness can be uncomfortable. Discover the natural solutions to get rid of it!
All about muscle pain

All about muscle pain

Muscle pain is a common phenomenon and perhaps you suffer from it regularly. Find out how to relieve and avoid muscle pain.
Menstrual pain: How to soothe it?

Menstrual pain: How to soothe it?

Menstrual pain can interfere with your daily life. Fortunately, there are some simple tips to help ease your period pain.
Acne on the buttocks: How to get rid of it?

Acne on the buttocks: How to get rid of it?

Do you have pimples on your buttocks? If so, don't worry, there are things you can do to avoid them and even get rid of them. 
Aching muscles: How to relieve them?

Aching muscles: How to relieve them?

Although aches and pains disappear naturally, there are some things you can do to help relieve your muscle pain. 

Sensitive skin: How to properly cleanse your face?

Sensitive skin: How to properly cleanse your face?

Sensitive skin doesn't mean you can't cleanse your skin thoroughly. Find out how to wash your face without harming it. 
All about blemishes

All about blemishes

Although they are safe to use, you may want to find solutions to get rid of blemishes.
How to have a skin without imperfections?

How to have a skin without imperfections?

Skin imperfections can take many forms. To prevent them, it is important to clean, moisturize, care for and protect your skin.
How to protect the vulva weakened by menstruation and pregnancy?

How to protect the vulva weakened by menstruation and pregnancy?

Just like the vaginal area, the vulva can be affected by itching, irritation, burning or redness as menstruation approaches.
How to cleanse your skin?

How to cleanse your skin?

Purifying your skin means taking the time to clean it thoroughly at least once a week to purify your skin. This allows you to eliminate impurities and excess sebum from your pores to prevent the appearance of imperfections.
How to strengthen your hair?

How to strengthen your hair?

Is your hair damaged? Our easy-to-use tips will help you repair your damaged hair and strengthen it for a healthy head of hair!
How to gently exfoliate the skin?

How to gently exfoliate the skin?

Gently exfoliating your skin removes dead skin cells from the surface of your skin and encourages cell renewal.
The benefits of sport on the skin

The benefits of sport on the skin

Le sport permet de se sentir bien de façon générale. Pratiquer une activité sportive a de nombreux bénéfices, sur le moral mais également sur notre peau.
Sebum problem : how to regulate it ?

Sebum problem : how to regulate it ?

Do you have oily skin? If so, you're not alone. Sebum production is a natural process that helps keep our skin healthy, but when it's overactive, it can lead to problems like acne and blackheads.
Oily skin problems? Explanation and solutions!

Oily skin problems? Explanation and solutions!

Oily skin is a type of skin that requires special treatment. It mainly affects the face and scalp. If you have oily skin, undilated pores, excess sebum or sensitive skin. This article is for you.
How to nourish your skin effectively?

How to nourish your skin effectively?

Your skin is the foundation of your beauty, so it's important to give it the nourishment it needs. Most people think they can put any lotion on their skin and leave it at that, but that's not the case.
The anti-blemish routine

The anti-blemish routine

When it comes to our skin, there's nothing more frustrating than dealing with blemishes. Whether it's an occasional breakout or a persistent problem, getting rid of blemishes can seem like an impossible task. But don't worry, we have a solution for you!
Sweating: Where does it come from and how can it be regulated?

Sweating: Where does it come from and how can it be regulated?

La transpiration est un mécanisme totalement naturel et indispensable, mais d'où vient-elle et comment la réguler ? Découvrons cela ensemble !
Taking care of your skin without damaging it

Taking care of your skin without damaging it

Taking care of your skin is important: it's your body's largest organ and our first line of defense against the world. But sometimes we can be too aggressive in our quest for clear skin, and end up damaging it instead.
Stress & the skin: How to protect yourself?

Stress & the skin: How to protect yourself?

Stress is a reaction of our body to an aggression and it has a real impact on our body and on our skin.

Soft skin, no blackheads: The complete guide!

Soft skin, no blackheads: The complete guide!

Who doesn't want to have clear, smooth skin without blackheads? This comprehensive guide will show you how to get there! We'll cover every step, from cleansing to exfoliating to moisturizing. 
Vulvodynia: How to avoid burning?

Vulvodynia: How to avoid burning?

There is no known cure for vulvodynia, but there are treatments that can help manage the pain. Here's what you need to know about the condition and how to avoid burning
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Plus que pour la livraison gratuite !

Encore pour obtenir gratuitement I'm not a mermaid Mains, notre gelée hydratante (valeur de 12€) !

Encore pour obtenir gratuitement Mixed Feelings, notre masque illuminateur multi-actions (valeur de 25€) !

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Encore pour obtenir gratuitement I'm not a mermaid Mains, notre gelée hydratante réconfort anti-stress (valeur de 12€) !

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Need an idea? Here are our clean beauty products, co-created for real life:
Fesse Time Our anti pimple treatment for the buttocks, back and arms!
Oh My Periods! Our pre-menstrual balancing facial
All I Need Protective and anti-pollution face care co-created with 12,000 people
Glowy Hours Your vitamin treatment for a healthy glow!
Clean That Face Cleansing face cream that prevents blemishes
Mixed Feelings Our radiance, regulating and illuminating exfoliating mask

Complète ta routine pour recevoir gratuitement I'm not a mermaid Mains, notre gelée hydratante (valeur de 12€ 🎁) pour obtenir gratuitement notre masque illuminateur multi-actions en cadeau (valeur de 25€)

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