Clean products, co-created for real life
Our products are natural and healthy. The ingredients are all rigorously selected for their effectiveness.
DISCOVERClean products, co-created for real life
Our products are natural and healthy. The ingredients are all rigorously selected for their effectiveness.
Welcome to our legal page, with all the legal details about Nidéco.
In one word ?
Nidéco, it's clean cosmetics, co-created by its community
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And to find our products, it's here!
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Prends soin de toi
Legal Notice
Article 1-Legal information
En vertu de l’article 6 de la loi n°2004-575 du 24 juin 2004 pour la confiance dans l’économie numérique, il est précisé dans cet article l’identité des différents intervenants dans le cadre de sa réalisation et de son suivi. Le site est édité par : NIDECO SAS, Capital social de 92 800 Euros, Immatriculé au RCS de Marseille, sous le numéro 853 663 219 , 150 Chemin de la porteuse, 13400 Aubagne, Adresse mail : [email protected]
The publication director of the site is: Nidé.co, address: 3 rue Cernuschi, 75107 Paris[email protected]
Le site est hébergé par :
Gandi SAS, 63-65 boulevard Masséna, 75013 Paris
[email protected]
Tel +33 (0)1 70 37 76 61
Le présent document a pour objet de définir les modalités et conditions dans lesquelles Nidéco met à la disposition de ses utilisateurs le site et les services disponibles sur le site et d’autre part, la manière par laquelle l’utilisateur accède au site et utilise ses services.
Toute connexion au site est subordonnée au respect des présentes conditions.
Article 2-Intellectual property
La structure générale du site, ainsi que les textes, graphiques, images, sons et vidéos la composant, sont la propriété de l'éditeur ou de ses partenaires sélectionnés. Toute représentation et/ou reproduction et/ou exploitation partielle ou totale des contenus et services proposés par le site, par quelque procédé que ce soit, sans l'autorisation préalable et par écrit de Nidéco et/ou de ses partenaires est strictement interdite et serait susceptible de constituer une contrefaçon au sens des articles L 335-2 et suivants du code de la propriété intellectuelle. Les marques proposées par Nidéco sont des marques déposées auprès de l’INPI. Toute représentation et/ou reproduction et/ou exploitation partielle ou totale de ces marques, de quelque nature que ce soit, est totalement prohibée.
Article 3-Hypertext links
Le site, peut contenir des liens hypertextes redirigeant vers des sites partenaires. Les liens vers ces autres ressources vous font quitter le site Il est possible de créer un lien vers la page de présentation de ce site sans autorisation expresse de l’EDITEUR. Aucune autorisation ou demande d’information préalable ne peut être exigée par l’éditeur à l’égard d’un site qui souhaite établir un lien vers le site de l’éditeur. Il convient toutefois d’afficher ce site dans une nouvelle fenêtre du navigateur. Cependant, Nidéco se réserve le droit d’exiger la suppression d’un lien qu’il estime non conforme à l’objet du site,
Article 4-Responsibility of the editor
The information and/or documents appearing on this site and/or accessible through this site come from sources considered reliable. However, this information and/or documents may contain technical inaccuracies and typographical errors. Nidéco reserves the right to correct them, as soon as these errors are brought to its attention. The information and/or documents available on this site are likely to be modified at any time, and may have been the subject of updates. In particular, they may have been updated between the time they are downloaded and the time the user becomes aware of them. The use of the information and/or documents available on this site is done under the whole and only responsibility of the user, who assumes the totality of the consequences which can ensue from it, without Nidéco being able to be required for this reason, and without recourse against this last one. Nidéco cannot be held responsible for any damage of any kind resulting from the interpretation or the use of the information and/or documents available on this site.
Article 5-Access to the site
Nidéco endeavors to allow the access to the site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in case of force majeure or of an event beyond the control of Nidéco, and subject to possible breakdowns and maintenance interventions necessary for the good functioning of the site and the services. Consequently, Nidéco cannot guarantee the availability of the site and/or the services, the reliability of the transmissions and the performances in terms of response time or quality. It is not foreseen any technical assistance towards the user that it is by electronic or telephone means. The responsibility of Nidéco could not be committed in case of impossibility of access to this site and/or of use of the services. Moreover, Nidéco can be brought to interrupt the site or a part of the services, at any time without notice, the whole without right to compensation. The user recognizes and accepts that Nidéco is not responsible for the interruptions, and for the consequences which can result from it for the user or any third party.
Article 6-Modification of the conditions of use
Nidéco reserves the possibility of modifying, at any time and without notice, the present conditions of use in order to adapt them to the evolutions of the site and/or its exploitation.
Article 7-Rules of Internet use
The user declares to accept the characteristics and the limits of Internet, and in particular recognizes that: - Nidéco does not assume any responsibility on the services accessible by Internet and does not exert any control of some form that it is on the nature and the characteristics of the data which could transit by the intermediary of its center server. - The user recognizes that the data circulating on Internet are not protected in particular against the possible hijackings. The presence of the brand Nidéco institutes a simple presumption of validity. The communication of any information judged by the user of sensitive or confidential nature is made at his risks and dangers. - The user recognizes that the data circulating on Internet can be regulated in terms of use or be protected by a property right. - The user is solely responsible for the use of the data he consults, queries and transfers on the Internet. - The user recognizes that Nidéco does not have any means of control on the contents of the services accessible on Internet
Article 8-Applicable law
Both this site and the terms and conditions of its use are governed by French law, regardless of the place of use. In the event of a dispute, and after all attempts to find an amicable solution have failed, the French courts will have sole jurisdiction to hear the dispute.
Article 9-Privacy Policy
Nidéco commits itself to use the confidential information of the Customers only within the framework of the exploitation of its site and for commercial purposes. Nidéco commits itself to respect the confidentiality of the personal data communicated by the members on the website and to treat them in the respect of the Data-processing law and Freedoms of January 6th, 1978 relating to data processing, the files and freedoms. Nidéco informs the member that these data will be used by its internal services and/or those of its subsidiaries: To inform its customer of the sales and events to come, by the sending of emails of invitation, for the treatment of the order of the member - To reinforce and personalize the communication in particular by the sending of newsletters, special offers (and in particular contests, games, etc...) For the good progress of the order, the collected personal data will be the object of a data-processing treatment, the Customer recognizes to have knowledge of it. For this reason, the information concerning him can be communicated to the technical providers of Nidéco. Nidéco will be able to apply technical means to obtain non-personal information relating to the Internet users and intended to improve the functionalities of the site, for example by tracing the number of visitors on certain pages. Nidéco will not be held responsible for any direct damage related to the personal data of the customers.
The data are stored in a secure server at Nidéco and in an organization " MailChimp and Typeform ".
Any use of data collected by Nidéco is used without the knowledge of Nidéco by a third party will not incriminate Nidéco. In addition, in accordance with the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, the member may at any time exercise his right of access to the file, his right of opposition and his right of rectification or deletion for information concerning him by sending his request (indicating e-mail address, name, surname, postal address) by simple letter of less than 20 grams postage paid at the economy rate to the address: 150 chemin de la porteuse - 13400 Aubagne, France, or by e-mail to [email protected] This data processing has been declared to the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL).