They are talking about Nidéco!

Spoiler alert: they say good things about our co-created products 😉

Fit & fabulous dans "Shopping Tutu va bene" (Elle)

"Notre selection pour danser en légèreté jusqu'au bout de l'été. Fit & fabulous de nidéco"

Leg it go dans "Se mettre en jambes" (Gala)

"Avoir des problèmes de jambes n'est pas une fatalité. Voici quelques tip à utiliser. Booster avec un soin adhoc, enrichi en actifs drainants dont la formule à effet froid (bonheur) soulage, tonifie et booste le retour veineux. Leg it go de nidéco"

Fesse time dans "Haut les fesses" (Closer)

"Qu'on souhaite les dévoiler en maillot de bain ou juste en prendre soin, voici les bons gestes à adopter pour bichonner nos fessiers.Vergetures, boutons, cellulite, ces soins qui embellissent nos fessiers. Fesse time de nidéco"

I'm not a mermaid dans "Chacun sa trousse" (Version Femina)

"Elle protège et répare la peau soumise au chlore de la piscine avec des extraits végétaux. gelée réparatrice Anti-chlore et calcaire. I'm not a mermaid de nidéco"

I'm not a mermaid dans "Scoop beauté" (Elle)

"Bains de soleil et baignades mettent à l'épreuve la peau et les cheveux. Voici de quoi les réconforter. Ce gel crème blindé d'Aloé Vera et de Squalène calme les tiraillements. I'm not a mermaid de nidéco"

No Friction here dans "Cuisses qui frottent : Les meilleurs soins pour soulager" (Au féminin)

"Ce soin isolant à la fois isolant et réparateur, offre une triple action à la fois pour isoler, soulager et réparer la peau des cuisses des frottements répétés qui causent des douleurs en été. Son "effet fraîcheur" soulage immédiatement les peaux sensibilisées pour un confort immédiat. No friction here de nidéco"

Leg it go dans "Les bons gestes pour soulager les jambes" (Maxi)

"Comme chaque été, la chaleur pèse sur les gambettes. Pour relancer la circulation et retrouver plus de légèreté, on peut compter sur les gestes du quotidien. Leg it go de nidéco"

I'm not a mermaid dans "En mode farniente" (Closer)

"Entre les douches et les baignades, la peau tiraille facilement en été. Cette gelée hydratante à la texture fraîche a été conçue spécifiquement pour apaiser l'épiderme tout en renforçant la barrière cutanée. Adios la peau qui tire après la piscine. I'm not a mermaid de nidéco"

Leg it go dans "Les bons gestes pour soulager les jambes" (Maxi)

"Comme chaque été, la chaleur pèse sur les gambettes. Pour relancer la circulation et retrouver plus de légèreté, on peut compter sur les gestes du quotidien. Leg it go de nidéco"

Upper chill dans "Nos 30 envies de juillet" (Modes & Travaux)

"Cette gelée décontractante sera une précieuse alliée pour soulager les tensions musculaires liées ou non au sport. Upper chill de nidéco"

Leg it go dans "Les bons gestes pour soulager les jambes" (MAXI)

"Comme chaque été, la chaleur pèse sur les gambettes. Pour relancer la circulation et retrouver plus de légèreté, on peut compter sur les gestes du quotidien. Leg it go de nidéco"

Fesse time dans "Les secrets d'une peau lisse" (Marie Claire)

"Le dos est souvent négligé lors du nettoyage quotidien et des soins ciblés tels que le gommage. Sa peau est pourtant très épaisse et ses pores larges. Il subit aussi les frottements des vêtements, ce qui favorise l’inflammation, donc l’apparition de boutons et de points noirs. Ces actifs s’invitent dansdes formules hydratantesoudeslotions clarifiantes. Fesse time de nidéco"

All I need dans "Les ressources naturelles du Supplément beauté" (Elle)

"Elaborées à partir d'un végétal star aux bienfaits pour la peau et l'organisme, des sélections qui font la part belle au génie de la nature. Safran anti oxydant assainissant : des pistils détox contre les imperfections. All I need de nidéco"

Glowy hours dans "Les meilleurs soins bonne mine" (Marie Claire)

"Ce soin crème éclat pour le visage dynamise les peaux fatiguées. Véritable shot de vitamines, il fonctionne comme une cure d'énergie reboostante qui revivifie la peau du visage."

Upper Chill dans "Les meilleurs soins pour la récupération musculaire" (Marie Claire)

"Finies les courbatures, les muscles tendus et douloureux avec la Gelée de Massage Décontractante Upper Chill de la marque Nidéco. Un véritable effet baume du tigre !"

Fesse time dans "L'acné corporelle: une problématique qui touche de plus en plus les femmes" (Les Eclaireuses)

"Puisque les petits boutons ne touchent pas que le dos ou le décolleté, la marque Nidéco a décidé de créer Fesse Time, une crème hydratant dédiée aux fesses, et à ses petits boutons. Agréable à utiliser, elle permet d'hydrater cette partie souvent irritée par des vêtements trop serrés et les frottements lorsque l'on s'assoit."

Not my problem selectionné dans "Endométriose : 3 produits pour soulager les symptômes" (Voici)

"Cette marque française, qui co-crée les produits avec sa communauté, propose une huile composée d’un cocktail de CBD et d’huiles essentielles ciblées. Son rôle est, par le biais du massage, de soulager les douleurs et les crampes liées au cycle menstruel. Son action chauffante promet de détendre les muscles, de soulager les spasmes et les crampes que cause l'endométriose."

Fit & fabulous "Les meilleures eaux de soins" (Voici)

"A intégrer dans votre routine, ces soins aux supers pouvoirs gorgent la peau d'actifs pour lui redonner confort, luminosité et douceur. Pour les peaux grasses, on mate les luisances. Pulverisez une formule qui régule le sébum comme la silice à l'effet matifiant. La bonne idée : la conserver au frigo pour aider a resserrer les pores et à faire peau nette. fit & fabulous de nidéco"

Dot is not an option "5 soins anti-points noirs qui fonctionnent vraiment" (Stylist)

"Notre peau à l'adolescence en a plusieurs fois payé les conséquences, à coup de patchs au charbon et autres astuces qui n'ont jamais fonctionné : les points noirs sont la bête noire de nos routines skincare. À moins de tomber sur les bons actifs ! Voici 5 soins anti-points noirs qui marchent. Dot is not an otpion est le soin le plus naturel et vegan que l'on puisse trouver pour combattre les points noirs ! Dans sa pâte magique, Nidéco a inclus une formule qui nettoie et exfolie pour une peau saine et le grain affiné. Le mérite revient à la grenade qui purifie, au citron qui adoucit, à l'argile blanche qui absorbe et au lierre qui apaise. Un vrai cocktail de la nature pour des pores resserrés et une peau douce et lumineuse."

Leg it go dans "Les 15 meilleures nouveautés que les journalistes beauté de Vogue ont adoré en 2023" (Vogue)

"Dès la première utilisation, j’ai été assez bluffée par ce produit ! Et cela n’a fait que se confirmer au fil des applications. Son coup de fraîcheur est véritablement instantané et soulage dans l’instant (surtout après une journée assise au bureau). Petit houx, menthol, Camphre, citron agissent en synergie pour relancer le retour veineux et activer la machine. En prime, un cocktail d’huiles végétales laisse la peau totalement douce et hydratée, ce qui est rare avec ce genre de produit. Tout comme le fait que sa formule soit totalement clean en faisant la part belle aux actifs naturels. Bref, je rejoins les 86 avis positifs postés sur la page du produit sur le site, et je le recommande sincèrement à toutes les personnes qui, comme moi, souffrent de problèmes de circulation (j’ai pour ma part de l’insuffisance veineuse).” Marie Bladt, rédactrice beauté et green de Vogue France"

Clean that face dans "Quelle routine pour mon acné" (Modes&Travaux)

"Le bon geste : un nettoyage approfondi. Le soir,un démaquillage suivi d’un nettoyage est obligatoire, en plus d’un assainissement de la peau.Il faut se débarrasser des bactéries et du sébum oxydé par la pollution et stimuler le renouvellement cellulaire. Une crème lavante suivie d’une eau micellaire, ou une huile non comédogène (noisette,jojoba ou chanvre) appliquée avant une crèmelavante, sont de très bonnes options. Notre choix : Clean that face de nidéco"

Oh my periods ! dans "Acné hormonale : Les Traitements naturels qui fonctionnent vraiment" (L'Essentiel)

"Il existe également des soins cosmétiques spécialisés et adaptés à chaque période du cycle menstruel si vous êtes une femme. Le Soin visage pour la période-menstruelle “Oh My Periods !” de Nidéco est un de nos coups de cœur. Sa formule ré-équilibrante apaise, matifie, et atténue les inflammations, ciblant l'acné hormonale. Une pépite formulée avec soin et 97% naturel."

Not my problem dans "Tout doux les règles !" (Stylist)

"Lorsque l'on croit avoir tout essayé contre les douleurs de règles, on en vient souvent à se ruer vers les anti-douleurs médicamenteux qui, eux, soulagent instantanément. Le problème, c'est que les douleurs reviennent rapidement lorsque le médicament a terminé de faire effet ! Et si c'étaient les remèdes naturels, la vraie solution ?"

I'm a survivor dans "10 produits testés et approuvés par les journalistes beauté en novembre" (Elle)

"Ce baume aux huiles essentielles réconfortantes promet de réduire les angoisses intempestives et de faciliter l'endormissement. je l'apprécie particulièrement en cette fin d'année lorsque mes semaines défilent et que je jongle entre travail et courses de noel pour trouver les cadeaux parfaits pour toute la famille. Son format nomade permet de l'avoir toujours avec moi. je l'applique sur mes poignets lorsque j'en ressens le besoin. Pauline Jacmart, journaliste beauté"

Leg it go dans "Les 15 produits à mettre dans sa routine d'automne" (Vogue)

"Dès la première application, j’ai été assez bluffée par ce produit ! Et cela n’a fait que se confirmer au fil des applications. Son coup de fraîcheur est véritablement instantané et soulage dans l’instant (surtout après une journée assise au bureau). Petit houx, menthol, Camphre, citron agissent en synergie pour relancer le retour veineux et activer la machine. En prime, un cocktail d’huiles végétales laisse la peau totalement douce et hydratée, ce qui est rare avec ce genre de produit. Tout comme le fait que sa formule soit totalement clean en faisant la part belle aux actifs naturels. Bref, je rejoins les 85 avis positifs postés sur la page du produit sur le site, et je le recommande sincèrement à toutes les personnes qui, comme moi, souffrent de problèmes de circulation (j’ai pour ma part de l’insuffisance veineuse)"

Leg it go dans "Le Top 10 des produits rafraichissants" (Femme actuelle)

"Le soin mentholé pour les jambes : Elles sont souvent les premières à souffrir quand le thermomètre grimpe. Pour leur apporter un vent de fraicheur, adoptez un soin à base de menthe ou de camphre: le froid soulage les sensations de lourdeur. En prime, ces formules renferment des actifs drainants et décongestionnants pour faire dégonfler les jambes. Stimulant : On aime Leg it go de nidéco."

Leg it go dans "Double jeu : Futés ces produits qui accomplissent 2 jobs en 1, Astuces indispensables " (Closer)

"Une jeune infirmière a eu l'idée de cette formule qui rafraichit les gambettes lourdes après une journée de chaleur ou debout. La nouveauté est que cette fois, ce n'est pas un gel. En plus de son effet glaçon immédiat et dégonflant, cette crème permet à la peau d’être hydratée grâce au duo glycérine et huile de tournesol. Malin!"

Not my problem dans "Bulletin de Santé : L'actualité de l'endométriose décryptée pour vous" (Elle)

"On masse le bas du ventre avec cette huile aux extraits de piment etde CBD»."

Nidéco : une routine de nuit purifiante avec End of the show et Night must go on (Dynamic Seniors)

"Particules fines, monoxyde de carbone, solvants, tabac…, la pollution – au sens large – étouffe et fragilise énormément la peau. Elle participe à de nombreux dérèglements de l’épiderme : vieillissement prématuré, teint terne, manque d’éclat, déshydratation, boutons, rougeurs… Plus de 26 000 personnes ont partagé cette préoccupation. Pour traiter ce problème et compléter l’action de jour de All I need, Nidéco a co-créé, avec toute la communauté, une routine de nuit courte et efficace pour nettoyer et réparer la peau de toute la pollution qu’elle subit pendant la journée. Une routine purifiante, apaisante et réparatrice composée de deux produits : l’huile en gel démaquillante End of the show et la crème de nuit apaisante et régénérante Night must go on.»."

Fesse time dans "Mon corps plus affirmé" (Femme Actuelle)

"Se sentir belle, c'est un savant mélange de confiance en soi et de mise en valeur de ses atouts.Je sculpte mes fesses avec un soin galbant»."

Upper Chill, le soin qui détend dans "J'ai bon dos" (Voici)

"Vertèbres, trapèzes, lombaires... le dos soutient et supporte tout,même nos émotions.On le soulage au quotidien! Co créée avec les internautes,cette texture gelée au chanvre et à la gaulthérie se transforme en huile pour soulager muscles et articulations. Un effet baume du tigre qui permet de continuer à bouger sans douleur»."

Notre concept de co-création communautaire dans "Comment créer une communauté de clients et l'impliquer dans son projet" (Les Echos)

"Nidéco va plus loin. L'entreprise s'est engagée dans une démarche de cocréation pour l'intégralité de ses produits. Cela signifie qu'elle met à contribution sa clientèle jusque dans la conception des produits. Nidéco interroge ses clients sur le type de produit qu'ils souhaiteraient, leur composition, leur emballage ou encore leur niveau de prix.Grâce à l'implication de sa communauté, la marque colle davantage aux attentes de son marché. Mieux, une fois le produit élaboré, il est envoyé en test à 200 personnes. Si tout est au vert, la phase de commercialisation débute ensuite. « Les clients qui participent à notre parcours de cocréation s'engagent avec nous. Ce ne sont pas forcément des acheteurs au départ, mais ils vont soutenir le projet jusqu'au bout ». La cocréation a déjà permis à Nidéco de concevoir une vingtaine de produits différents, allant du soin de nuit au masque détox, en passant par l'huile contre les douleurs menstruelles. « Cela rajoute des délais, mais on est certains de sortir un produit conforme, qui va plaire à notre communauté »."

Not my problem dans "Les Coups de Coeur de la rédaction" (Marie Claire)

"Mon ventre est bien mon deuxième cerveau. La moindre contrariété, un coup de stress, un repas gobé sur le pouce et il me rappelle à l’ordre. Gonflements, crampes, brûlures, je souffre (beaucoup) de façon quasi permanente. Et quand s’ajoutent les douleurs liées au cycle menstruel, je ne sais plus quoi faire pour me soulager. J’ai pris l’habitude de le masser avec des huiles essentielles, d’où mon intérêt pour ce mélange déjà prêt à l’emploi. 100 % naturel, il a été créé pour apaiser les règles douloureuses mais il est également très efficace pour adoucir quantité de maux dans cette zone grâce à sa composition ciblée : extraits de CBD calmant, huile essentielle de baie de rose décongestionnante, huile essentielle de basilic tropical, un tonique digestif également idéal en cas de colite, crampes et autres inconforts. Je le masse avec le plat de la main, autour du nombril, dans le sens des aiguilles d’une montre, en respirant profondément. Ce massage, conseillé par Judith Samama-Patte (@unefilleensweat) et associé à ce soin m’aide à regagner une certaine forme de sérénité"

Tits Party dans "Comment prendre soin de sa poitrine et de son décolleté" (The Body Optimist)

"À l’instar de notre visage, la peau du décolleté est une zone particulièrement exposée aux agressions extérieures. Souvent négligée, cette partie du corps est pourtant particulièrement fragile. Alors pour protéger votre décolleté et votre poitrine, voici quelques conseils beauté à adopter.Une fois le décolleté et le cou bien nettoyé et séché, on passe à une étape primordiale : l’hydratation. Parce que la zone du décolleté contient très peu de glandes sudoripares et sébacées, elle ne produit quasiment pas de sébum. Pour préserver la souplesse de la peau à cet endroit là, on applique alors une crème régénérante qui permettra de tonifier, nourrir et apaiser l’épiderme"

Fesse time in "FESSES TIME" (Marie Claire)

"They used to be the forgotten ones in our beauty rituals, but today they are at the heart of all the attention, carried by a popular culture that prefers them to be voluptuous and plump. Subjected to the friction of clothing, perspiration and prolonged sitting, the buttocks are in trouble. They then become prone to imperfections and roughness. For a quick and easy way to do this, the Nidéco brand, which co-creates products with its community, has launched FesseTime."

South beauty in "Belle toute nue" (Cosmopolitan)

"Beauty today encompasses intimate health, that which is not seen and whose proper functioning is often ignored. Labs are getting involved, offering soft and glam solutions. A fashionable market, with the explicit name of Femetech. This border zone, between the vulva and the vagina, has its own biology: an epidermis that is much more sensitive than the rest of the body, its own bacteria - lactobacilli, capable of neutralizing pathogenic germs - and an acidic pH between 3.5 and 4. What's the big deal? These specificities imply care with an adapted pH. South beauty from nidéco".

Nidéco in the Metro (Cosmétique Mag)

"The skincare brand co-created with a community of 4,000 people is being displayed in a big way in the Paris metro from June 28 to July 12. This communication corresponds to the extension of the distribution of Nidéco in Printemps since January 22, then soon in the dermo-cosmetic space of Monoprix and Galeries Lafayette."

Made to measure ! (S, Le Magazine de Sophie Davant)

"What a genius idea! Nidéco is a cosmetic brand where you ask for what you need! If your idea gathers more than 2000 votes, it goes from your head to reality and goes into production. Thus, we find products like "Fesse time" for pimples on the buttocks or "Oh my periods" a care for hormonal acne. In short, you ask, you vote, you get".

Our Metro campaign in CB News!(CB News)

"Nidéco is rolling out its first-ever 360-degree brand campaign with the support of its media agency Well Com Media and at the campaign's creation, communications agency La Petite Grosse. In addition to social networks, it will be displayed in the Paris metro from June 28 to July 12. On this occasion, Nidéco puts the buttocks forward and unveils to the general public a cosmetic that goes beyond the product solution. This campaign supports the extension of the brand to retail. First in Printemps since January, it will soon be present in the dermo-cosmetic space of Monoprix and Galeries Lafayette."

South Beauty on "Moisturizing care for our beautiful days" (Feminin Senior)

"In addition to being soothing and moisturizing for the intimate area, South beauty is a great ally that reduces discomfort after sex or sports in addition to fighting against vulvar dryness sometimes due to hormonal changes."

I'm not a mermaid is "THE cream of the crop" (Marianne)

Swimmers whose skin is in repeated contact with chlorinated pool water will love this creamy body gel that instantly moisturizes and soothes tightness, burns and irritations, thanks to a selection of active ingredients such as squalene (lipid-replenishing), aloe vera (calming, repairing) and sea water (remineralizing). This cosmetic brand has the good idea to co-create all its products with its community and it's a pentathlete who had the idea for this one""

Our concept of co-creation in "5 inspiring and responsible brands doing co-creation"(Zeste)

"Founded in 2018, the brand's ambition was to launch products suggested by its community. Inspired by the Chinese market, where word-of-mouth has a strong impact. The brand's leitmotiv was to create clean, effective products that meet a real consumer need. Successful bet, since today the brand offers 15 products co-created with a community of 4000 members! They are formulated with 97% natural products. And their scores on the Yuka app are displayed on each product sheet. 💯 So co-creation is very important to the brand, as every product development stems from an idea from someone in its community. In short, a community that moves forward hand in hand for well thought out, clean and efficient products!"

Glowy hours featured in "Spring 2022 essentials"(Le Journal du Luxe)

"A real shot of vitamins, the glowy hours cream is our daily ally. This radiance treatment has a powerful healthy glow effect. Composed of 97% natural ingredients, this treatment energizes all skin types, even the most tired. The complexion is smoothed and illuminated thanks to the asiatica lace. We love its scent, which gives us a boost in the morning.

I'm not a mermaid selected "The 10 creams to save my skin"(GQ)

"For those of you who are poolside, between the chlorine-filled pool water and the lime-laden shower water after a workout, your skin can feel dry and tight. To remedy this, this gel ensures to quench and soothe the skin instantly. Its secret? Its content in aloe vera and kombu algae".

Buttock time recommended by the editors to answer the question that everyone is asking: "But where do pimples on the buttocks come from"(THE BODY OPTIMIST)

Do you have small pimples on your buttocks? Don't worry, you are far from being the only one. Most often, this is caused by the friction of clothing on the skin or sweat. There is no need to worry about the appearance of these buttocks pimples. There is also no need to try to erase them as soon as possible. In fact, no one focuses on them, we do it ourselves! However, it is necessary to remain attentive to their evolution, in order to take care of them if it becomes necessary. To repair all that, the editors recommend the Fesse Time product from the Nidéco brand. A toning purity care, composed of 99% of ingredients of natural origin, without harmful or controversial assets."

South beauty honored in the selection of "Nos beaux jours" (SANTE MAGAZINE)

This intimate care multi-actions combines hydration, alleviation and protection for the vulvar intimate zone. Its light and creamy gel texture rebalances and strengthens the area, thanks to a cocktail of pre- and probiotics that reinforce the skin's microbiome (the good bacteria that protect our body) and relieves irritations often caused by tight clothing. In addition to being a soothing and moisturizing agent, South Beauty is a great ally that reduces discomfort after sex or sports, in addition to fighting against vulvar dryness sometimes due to hormonal changes.

Buttock time featured in "How to sculpt your body without effort" (VOICI)

With effective gestures and care, redefining the contours and smoothing the skin texture becomes child's play. If my buttocks lack tone, it's time to give them a little boost with care products that act like a cosmetic sheath thanks to firming active ingredients such as brown algae, copaiba oil or blackcurrant and tightening ingredients."

Clean that face among "The best anti-imperfection care"(COSMOPOLITAIN)

This cleansing cream purifies, limits imperfections, rebalances and promotes cell regeneration. It is vegan and composed of 99% of natural ingredients, including lavender extract (purifying) and aloe vera (repairing). It allows to remove make-up and to clean all the skins, even with imperfections. This cream in cleansing gel is soft and not aggressive for the face. Fusing lavender extract (purifying) and aloe vera (repairing), it removes makeup and cleanses deeply without ever attacking the skin."

Clean that face among "The best facial cleansers for flawless skin"(GQ)

Do you have blemished skin? Bingo! You'll be able to get rid of them with Clean that face by nidéco, this miracle cleanser with an innovative and addictive texture. On one hand, lavender extract purifies your skin, on the other, aloe vera repairs your epidermis. What to treat your skin while promoting its cellular regeneration."

Sea ya beach, "A double action hair mask: detox and soothing effect" (Happy Bio Magazine)

Aggressed on a daily basis by external pollution, our hair suffers and is in great need of pampering... the Sea ya beach detox mask from the Nidéco brand comes to their rescue with its 96% natural ingredients! A complex of seaweed detoxifies the scalp and regulates sebum production, ricin oil nourishes the hair, the addition of artichoke protects it from aggression, the duo: watercress and nasturtium bring their fortifying and regenerating actions and thanks to chard the hair fibers are revitalized and the hair finds shine and softness."

I'm a survivor "Favorite of the beauty editors"(Marie Claire)

Super proud that the beauty editor who is an expert in textures and product efficacy always has our anti-stress ally on her 💛 "I always kept in mind this valuable advice a doctor gave me to calm down during times of crisis: "Meditation, yoga, aromatherapy...You've equipped yourself with plenty of tools to handle the tough times. Great, but don't take them all out, all the time! They're there, at the ready, in drawers, for you to open when you need them." Galloping Omicron, January and February grayness, bloated calendars... As I find this beginning of the year particularly anxiety-inducing, I've turned to the dresser. The new tool I'm pulling out in case of a bout of anxiety? This comforting anti-stress balm, composed of 99% natural active ingredients. Its formula with soothing and rebalancing essential oils (lemon verbena, tarragon, grapefruit, petit grain bigarade, marjoram and lavender) relieves me almost instantly. I like its soft texture that I massage for a long time on the inside of my wrists and on the solar plexus, breathing deeply these plant scents. A saving parenthesis that puts me back on track when I feel tensions rising."

I'm a survivor in "Note blocks: 3 repairing balms" (Modes&Travaux)

"Anti-stress. It soothes tensions thanks to a cocktail of essential oils with balancing and sedative properties. The synergy of vegetable oils and moisturizing glycerin comforts the epidermis.

I'm a survivor in "Comforting healthy beauty routine to fight the cold"(O Magazine)

"With the new year, the injunction to keep resolutions is more than tenacious. So if your stress is getting to you, the I'm a survivor nomadic comfort and anti-stress balm by Nidéco is for you. This balm with its ultra-sensory texture is a concentrate of essential oils that will become your cosmetic reflex to immediately calm your anxieties.

South beauty in "Three natural treatments for the vulva"(The good goods)

"Nidéco, a brand of face, body and hair care products, is committed to creating products with natural ingredients, tested in laboratories located in France and specialized in natural and organic cosmetics. Nidéco's skincare products are co-created by the community: an idea springs from the brain of an anonymous person who presents it. If the number of votes is high enough, the product goes into limited production and is tested by thousands of people who will then give their feedback to improve the product. This is the route that the South Beauty has taken, thought up by Laura - creator of the account @mydearvagina - and co-created with 4000 people. What's in this gel? The ingredients are 99% of natural origin and the last percentage gathers clean preservatives in order to allow a good holding of the gel. Of course, South Beauty has passed the gynecological control test in order to meet the promises of the product: to moisturize and soothe the vulva while protecting it against friction and daily discomforts. Users praise its pleasant texture and its ability to soothe irritation. The cannula tube that contains the gel is recycled and recyclable.

Tits party in "Si mes hormones me gonflent" (Here)

"Turn to treatments that make post-ovulation life easier by limiting pain with herbs and relieving tension in the chest. Tits party. As essential as menstrual panties!

Sea Ya Beach in "Winter 2022 essentials"(Luxe.net)

"Both detoxifying and repairing, this two-in-one mask is an ally for hair damaged by heat, limescale or numerous colorings. In fact, this miracle treatment helps the hair to eliminate all the impurities of daily life while restructuring it".

Nidéco in "Co-creation: Towards a new innovation strategy?"(Premium Beauty News)

"Launched two years ago by Simon Menard, the Nidéco platform relies exclusively on its consumers to develop its product line. "Our 10 years of experience in the cosmetics sector revealed to us that things were not necessarily done in accordance with our values. Most of the time, the product had to please the retailer first and foremost, and the final consumer was forgotten. So we wanted a more sincere brand, we wanted to make THE brand for women consumers. Here, they bring the project, select it and wear it. The idea is also to distribute the value created differently.

Nidéco When community creates care in "These care brands that inspire us and make us feel good"(Oh My gender)

"The era of cosmetics is over, long live cosmetics! Through this slogan, the "chemical" cosmetic industry is being challenged. From now on, we consumers are turning to local, more ecological and transparent alternatives. We have already talked about each of these brands in a detailed article (to be found via the links), this time we are bringing them together to highlight these initiatives that Oh My Gender appreciates! We like to participate in the elaboration of our skin care routines... Thanks to NideCo, we transform the process into co-creation! This allows us to produce skincare products that are targeted to our own needs and presented to the community for approval. Thus, there are products that reduce the irritation of rubbing thighs (for hot days), that take care mainly of the buttocks (but also the rest of the body) or that give us a boost to the face after a difficult evening (or a drunken evening).

Oh my periods ! in "Quickly a rebalancing duo!

"When hormones run amok, the skin glows and reddens, which an unbalanced microbiome can accentuate. No need to panic! We regulate all that quickly via perfectly targeted care and probiotic cures, which guarantee the following month a top complexion.

All I need in "Care that you co-create" (Femme Actuelle)

"At Nidé.co, the cosmetics, 100% French and vengan, are born from the desires of users. according to a clever and well-oiled process, those are submitted to the online vote of the community (40 000 participants). If the project reaches a threshold of 2,000 votes, it goes into development in a small Parisian partner lab before being tested again by the members. texture, scent...the formula - necessarily composed of at least 95% natural ingredients - is put through the mill. This is how the All I need protective and anti-pollution skin care product was born (like many others), with saffron harvested from the rooftops of Paris!

Tits Party in "What are the beauty and well-being essentials for the fall?"(Le Journal du Luxe)

"Although we will miss the sandy beaches terribly, September is a great opportunity to renew the products in your bathroom. So, here is a non-exhaustive list of our post-summer must-haves to integrate into your routine for a beautiful return to school. A daily ally, this cream is designed for the breasts. This multi-action treatment with its ultra-comforting texture relieves, tones and repairs weakened skin. It's a revolutionary skin care product that has won us over."

"Nidé.co : the cosmetic which wants us good"(La Fine équipe)

"What could be more pleasant than taking care of your skin with products with a green composition? This week, zoom on Nidé.co, a cosmetic brand that focuses on naturalness and efficiency! What could be more pleasant than taking care of your skin with green products? This week, zoom on Nidé.co, a cosmetic brand that focuses on naturalness and efficiency! Nidé.co, what is it? A cosmetic brand that places the essential at the heart of its priorities. Minimalist composition, uncluttered packaging and the desire to remain transparent about the ingredients used, Nidé.co breaks the codes of traditional cosmetics for our greatest pleasure. Exfoliating mask, matifying mist, facial cleansing gel, repairing hand gel, anti-pollution protective face care ... The pretty brand offers you a wide range of green products that will take great care of your lovely face, your beautiful hair, your pretty body."

"NideCo, the beauty product creation community"(Oh My Gender)

"Have you ever thought, 'If only there was a product that would help me against ..... (sentence to be completed)"? Well NideCo has heard your prayers and created a brand of skincare and cosmetic products that are entirely community thought. Whether it's an anti-teint-gray cream for the aftermath of a night out, or a thigh chafing gel for hot days, NideCo has realized the limitations of the skincare world and reversed the trends."

"Clean beauty: 5 green favorites of August: A new natural brand with a great concept"(GALA.FR)

"Because environmental protection is now a major concern in the cosmetics industry, our clean beauty section is here to keep you informed each week of the actions that brands are taking in this area.At Nide.Co, each product is born from an original idea of one of their customers. This gives nuggets like Oh My Periods (27 €), a balancing care with probiotics that reduces pimples before the period, or I'm Not a Mermaid (9 €), repairing gel with aloe vera for hands damaged by untimely washings. The formulas all have at least 95% natural ingredients and are cruelty free."

"These small beauty brands that deserve our attention"(Standards)

"You may not know them yet, but these brands work daily to defend their universe and values that are close to them. In their own way, they are part of this vast world of beauty, where everyone can find their place. What if your idea could become reality? With Nidē.co, you create the cosmetics that match your needs. Body cream, facial care or more, each product is co-created with 4000 consumers! There are three steps before the commercialization of a new product: the idea, the votes and the community test. So don't wait any longer, join the Nidē.co teams so that together you can create the cosmetic world of tomorrow. The +: A production made in France, which contains at least 95% natural ingredients, here is a brand that knows how to listen to its community."

Fit & fabulous in "10 mists to refresh yourself in beauty"(The Body Optimist)

"The thermal water mist has had its day, this year we are looking for something more complete to refresh our face with the heat wave. When we sweat, the skin of the face reddens, shines, dehydrates and becomes sensitive. After a workout or a hot day, this mist is the perfect fresh ally to revitalize and mattify the skin. As a bonus, the formula is of natural origin and its bottle is recyclable."

Our concept in "Going green" (GALA)

"At Nidé.co, each product is born from an original idea of one of their customers. This gives nuggets like Oh my periods! or I'n not a mermaid. The formulas all contain at least 95% natural ingredients and are cruelty free.

Hair yeah recommend for "Maintaining strong and healthy hair"(Antonym)

"Faced with repeated contact with hard water, hair tends to become dull and dry. This anti-limescale shine treatment restores shine, shine, suppleness and softness to hair, while protecting it over the long term. Its light texture easily moisturizes all hair types on a daily basis. Composed of clean active ingredients: lavender, sage, tyhm and rosemary vinegar that ensure shine and brilliance, vanilla cactus to moisturize and red algae that detoxify and protect against pollution."

I'm not a mermaid selected in "Les Coups de coeur de l'été" (La rue du bac)

"It's summer, swimming pool, sea, sunburn... Our summer favorites take care of your skin, hair, nails and your youth capital. To avoid crocodile skin and protect it from chlorine and limescale, Nide-co has invented a creamy body gel that instantly soothes tight skin, burns and irritations. Its fresh and creamy texture rehydrates the skin for a total repair effect. Thanks to its ultra-targeted natural active ingredients, it revitalizes and remineralizes effectively, allowing to reinforce the cutaneous barrier.Gelée réparatrice anti-chlore et calcaire de Nide-co"

Hair yeah selected by Biba "How to find your natural color"(BIBA)

"The more you moisturize your hair, the healthier it will be and therefore the faster it will grow back. Hair Yeay 100ml from nidé.co "

I'm not a mermaid selected in the focus on the benefits of the SEA "We let the sea do its thing" (COSMOPOLITIAN)

"Relaxation, good vibes, active with super powers, the sea is our new Eldorado. Let's dive in. By crossing the various geological strata, the ocean is loaded with trace elements: we stay thirty minutes in the water so that they diffuse in the body and revitalize it. I'm not a mermaid 200ml of nidé.co "

Fesse time highlighted in "A well-ordered firmness" (VOICI)

"The texture of the epidermis can change with the appearance of stretch marks or orange peel skin. Buttocks and thighs sometimes have a grainy finish! Rather than smoothing with AHAs, which are incompatible with the sun, we facilitate skin renewal by stimulating the tissues with vegetable oils. Purity Toning Care Buttocks, 200 ml, 22 € of nidé.co".

"Brands that offer to bet on them" (L'ADN)

"The boundaries are blurring between those who sell and those who buy, who create value or drive it up, consume and invest. An overview of the ecosystem dedicated to this new economy of speculation. What consumer could be more engaged than a shareholder who has a stake in the growth of the company? A consumer shareholder! This is the idea tested by some brands. An idea for profits. At Nide.co, a beauty brand founded in 2019, customers can propose a product idea at any time. If their project passes the first selection, they win a 500 euro check. The idea is then submitted to a public vote. Once the vote is won, the consumer-creators receive a second check for 1,500 euros. Even better: when the product is distributed, they receive 10% of the profits from sales for life. A system that makes it possible to obtain products that really stand out from the crowd: a cream against pimples on the buttocks, an anti-hangover treatment, a jelly to repair swimmers' legs... And, above all, to establish a very special bond with its consumers, who feel directly involved."

Oh my periods! highlighted in "Ces soins qui changent les règles" (Marie Claire)

"Every month, the curves of estrogen and progesterone rise and fall in turn, causing changes in the body and on the skin. For a long time, these changes have had painful repercussions: from insomnia to swelling, from digestive discomfort to pimples. Today, these inconveniences are taken care of by agile start-ups that offer solutions to face hormonal storms".

"Nidé.co, the cosmetic brand you will love" (La rue du bac)

"Discover Nidé.co the brand of cosmetics that has everything to make us love it: quality, great packaging, low price and a great team spirit! We tell you everything. At Nide.co the products are born from common ideas. If you have ideas to create cosmetics, you can propose it, people vote and the idea that gets the most votes will be born. The brand is clean &safe. Concretely, what does it mean? It means that the products are natural, healthy and with the least amount of allergens possible. The formulations are composed of a minimum of ingredients but all rigorously selected for the effectiveness and sensoriality of the product..."

"Fesse Time in the Beauty Scoop" (ELLE Magazine)

"You will experience your next Zoom or Team meeting in a different way... This emulsion moisturizes (shea butter), eliminates pimples (peppermint) and firms (brown algae). Toning Purity Care".

"I'm not a Mermaid hands in Aurélie's kit" (Cocottes Magazine)

"Nidé.co, these are products co-created with the brand's community. This top concept gave birth to a hand gel that I really like because it penetrates quickly. No need to wait 5 minutes with your hands in the air without touching anything."

"Saffron, petals of sweetness", All I need in "The 4 products we love" (Top Santé)

"ANTI-IMPERFECTION With 96% natural ingredients, this cream contains saffron, protective, ginseng, anti-pollution and niacinamide, rebalancing.Co-created with the brand's community"

"We energize our skin with Happy Hours" (Modes&Travaux)

"To restore a fresh complexion, the skin needs to be stimulated and energized with vitamin and trace element treatments that boost cell mechanics. You can also choose from these products, to which pink or orange pigments have been added, to give your skin a natural glow and, in some cases, act as a makeup base, while in others they can be used on their own.

"Ces marques qui veulent sauver la planète - Nidéco, la marque faite par ses fans" (TREND ROOM de LONSDALE)

"They're young, they're beautiful and they're shaking up the codes in their category. Lonsdale's planning team has selected four inspiring new brands for you. With their unique branding, promising models and masterfully led communities, each of them has a little something extra, and we'll tell you why. We stay in the bathroom with this cosmetics brand that offers products designed in co-creation with its fans. Based on the opinion that cosmetic products should meet people's real needs, Nidé.co, which wants to be "clean and democratic", regularly collects the needs and opinions of its community. If a product idea reaches 2000 votes, it goes into production, always with the support of its fans who choose the texture, color or scent... And when a project is commercialized, the co-creators receive a share of the profits. A virtuous circle that engages a community while supporting products and actions that are good for the planet and health. Above all, this "modus operandi" allows the brand to present products that meet needs that are too underestimated by the rest of the market. One of the brand's best-sellers is a toning and moisturizing cream specially adapted for the buttocks. Notice to amateurs. "

Happy hours, the cream to share - "8 good ideas to get excited" (COSMOPOLITAIN)

"This skin care product plays on all fronts: humor, effectiveness and no gender. For him, for me, a real shot of acerola, red algae, sunburn pigments and borage seed to smooth and brighten."

Fesse time - Beautiful buttocks: the best care to shape them, soften them, beautify them"(VOICI)

"You won't be able to do without this cream rated 86/100 on Yuka! Fesse Time is a toning and anti-imperfection treatment for the buttocks, whether for rough skin, skin with small pimples or skin lacking firmness. Its light texture without greasy finish allows you to apply it in the morning just before putting on your jeans! Its strong point? It is made up of 99% of ingredients of natural origin going from the blackcurrant with the toning virtues to the jojoba restoring the lipidic barrier or the peppermint purifying and refining the skin. Toned buttocks, a skin without pimples and purified thanks to a clean product? We validate!"

Nidé.co "Coup de coeur de beauty digitale" (BIBA)

"Clean (97% natural origin), produced and packaged in France or Belgium, these formulas are always timely. Perhaps because they are co-created by a community of several thousand people who offer ideas (paid when the product is launched) and opinions. The result is face, body and hair care products that respond to real life problems: buttocks that are a little too rough, pimples during the period..."

Fesse Time "The cream to have perfect buttocks" (La rue du bac)

"This care, which will become your ally to prepare for the swimsuit season but also to have perfect buttocks in all circumstances is Fesse Time by Nide.co. This cream has an ultra light and fluid texture that penetrates quickly. It offers a perfect finish: neither sticky nor greasy (you can get dressed without any problem after using it). Offer to your buttocks a soft, well hydrated and without buttons thanks to this magic cream".

"These new generation beauty brands that are launching themselves thanks to participatory financing"(Madame Figaro)

"Tomorrow, all creators? Leaving the customers as decision-makers and bearers of success: a desire that the Nidé.co brand has completely integrated into its operating model. Its credo? "Products co-created together, for life". The system is simple: everyone can present a product, which will then be submitted to the community vote. According to the enthusiasm (the project must obtain 2000 votes), the article is born, a percentage of the sales being paid to the member who is at the origin. This allows niche products, which are not so much niche, to see the light of day, like the best-seller Fesse Time, a "special buttocks" purity care that targets irritations due to thigh friction. Or the Oh my Periods serum that comes to the rescue of skin disturbed by pre-menstrual hormonal changes."

Oh my periods quoted in "Le cycle mène la danse" (Version femina)

"When the skin goes haywire, this cream with prebiotics, marine sugars and peony, matifies and revives the complexion."

Clean that face in the 28 "envies of April"(Modes&Travaux)

"After a masked (or not) day, we gently remove makeup and cleanse our face with this lavender and aloe vera-based gel-granules."

Oh my periods in "the little cosmetics adapted to hormones"(Psychologies)

"How do hormones impact our beauty? Cosmetics are on a mission to balance and regulate the effects of hormonal variations on the skin. The participatory brand Nidé.co launched Oh my periods! a project acclaimed by its community to limit sebum and refine skin texture."

Fit & Fabulous featured in "the products that save you a visio" 💛(Elle)

"A little hot? A moment of stress? Relax with the Nidé.co face mist designed by a sports coach (work can sometimes be similar to physical exercise). When we sweat the skin of the face reddens and dehydrates, this product comes to revitalize and mattify the skin immediately. "

Fesse time highlighted in "Winter's must-haves" 💛(Luxe.net Le journal du luxe)

"I love this original product dedicated to our buttocks. Indeed, this cream aims to treat the irritations of this part of the body where the skin is very fragile and prey to the friction of our clothes or the lack of hydration. Result, a smooth and soft skin with 100% natural components."

Too proud to be listed as Elle's "Beauty Crush" and "Favorite of the Day" 💛!(Elle)

"Our favorite of the day? The digital brand Nidé.co, which offers products with ultra-targeted problems, and sometimes still a little too taboo."

Oh My Periods cited by Elle among the "beautiful skin" care products! (Elle Mag)

"Enriched with pre- and pro-biotics, this care product nourishes the bacteria favorable to the skin. A matifying, illuminating and anti-imperfection cocktail, to calm the skin before the period."

Clean That Face named as "one of the 5 must-have products"!(Breaking News)

"They are affordable and so effective. If you want to buy beauty products, we offer you an ideal ranking since it contains the 5 best beauty products. They are suitable for every desire and you will not be able to do without them. If you want to buy beauty products, we offer you an ideal ranking since it contains the 5 best beauty products. They adapt to all the desires and you will not be able to do without them"

Oh my periods highlighted! (Elle Hors Série)

"Nidé.co, a native "digital" brand born from a partnership between its founders and their community, offers products comprising 95% natural ingredients, including the Oh my periods facial, formulated to regulate skin problems before menstruation. What a way to reconcile with your cycles!"

Oh my periods ! A highly personalized treatment! (Top Santé Magazine)

"A balancing care enriched with prebiotics (which promote the growth of bacteria) to boost the microbiological and biological barrier of the face. But also with marine sugars, to smooth the skin texture."

What you shouldn't have missed!(The Body Optimist)

"This brand will change your beauty routine: Natural cosmetics created by and for you"

Cosmetology is interested in our cycle (Version Femina)

" Menstrual panties, organic sanitary protection, specialized websites and applications.... From now on, talking about menstruation is no longer a taboo. Ultimate proof with, recently, cosmetics and food supplements specifically formulated according to the evolution of the cycle. The roller coaster of our hormones leads to mood upheavals, but also to skin upheavals with, as a result, imperfections, shine, increased sensitivity and a dull complexion... A few days before menstruation, estrogen and progesterone levels drop, which can trigger an overproduction of sebum: the skin becomes more oily and small pimples appear. During menstruation, the stress hormone fluctuates and the skin appears more reactive. At the end of the period, overproduction of sebum and fatigue give way to a dull complexion. In order to regulate these imbalances, the laboratories propose more and more adapted formulas. The Face Care for Pre-Menstrual Period, Oh My Periods! of Nidé.co (1), attenuates the inflammations of before the rules (27 S the 30 ml)"

It sounds so unrealistic, doesn't it(sounds like the south?)

"What if we could create the products we dream of ourselves without spending anything on their production or marketing, or even make money on sales?

It sounds so unrealistic, doesn't it?

Nide.co dared to rethink the model of cosmetics creation by including consumers in the equation and giving them a part of the sales made.

Pretty cool concept, right?

Co-founder Simon Menard , with multiple entrepreneurial lives, tells us all about this #DNVB that is just at the beginning of its adventure."

A consumer who participates!(Check your pulse)

"We are super proud to have been mentioned in Sari Azout's famous "Check your pulse" newsletter in the US among the participatory economy models alongside Glossier!"

The 30 best facial cleansers for flawless skin(HQ)

"12. Anti-blemish cleansing cream by Nidé.co. Do you have blemish-prone skin? Bingo! You'll be able to get rid of them with this miracle cleanser with an ultra addictive innovative texture. On the one hand, lavender extract cleanses your skin, on the other hand, aloe vera repairs your epidermis. In short, something to treat your skin while promoting its cellular regeneration."

Nidé.co: and if you invented the beauty product that makes you dream(Journal des femmes)

"We thought about it but nobody had done it until now! Nidé.co transforms the consumer into a real designer by giving him the floor to develop cosmetics that meet real needs. Customized beauty but not only... In recent years, many brands have embarked on the adventure of cosmetics. It is therefore difficult to get out of the game... but not impossible. The proof with Nide.co which proposes a vision of the democratic beauty. This e-shop puts forward a clean cosmetic elaborated in French and thought by its community. The goal? To develop beauty products that correspond to real needs of real people in real life. The consumer has a leading role in the development of the product and is positioned as a co-creator, no less! This totally innovative approach aims to create cosmetics never seen before."

But where do pimples on the buttocks come from (and how can they be treated)? (Magic Mom)

"Whether it's solo or accompanied by other pimples, we hate pimples on the buttocks. Not very graceful and sometimes painful, they can result from acne, but also from bad habits that are fortunately easy to correct. Often taboo, but nevertheless much more widespread than it seems, buttocks pimples are a frequent reason for consulting a dermatologist. On Google, the search for " pimple on the buttocks " even reaches new heights with 2,800,000 requests! The recent launch of the buttock time treatment by nidé.co, a brand dedicated to the launch of products proposed and acclaimed by its community, confirms the interest in this intimate skin problem, affecting both women and men."

These products that we absolutely want for back to school! (My Little Beauty)

"An anti-blemish cleanser as gentle as a kitten Scrubbing your skin with a lemon PAIC foaming gel won't make your pimples and their little friends the blackheads go away any faster, on the contrary. What your skin needs is a gentle cleanser that won't attack it, won't make it even more oily, but will provide the moisture it needs while balancing it. And guess what? We found the one which corresponds to all these criteria, it is called Clean that face and is armored with natural ingredients (99% of its compo anyway) as the white clay, the lavender or the aloe vera. And as it does things really well, it is rated 100/100 on Yuka. The plus: its creamy texture that doesn't irritate and leaves the skin super fresh."


"Martin Luther King Jr. had dreams, you have ideas. In order of what should have made you rich and famous: beer that tastes like Coke (gross), an app to watch movies in fast-forward (déjà vu) and your line of high CSR cosmetics (made from seahorse vomit). Now you've got something (yes, yes).

Pitch the concept to an online community. If it is validated, the product is developed, tested and sold on this e-shop. This is the case of Sarah, who just launched this gel-cream doped with pre-biotics to balance, soothe and make the skin glow during menstruation. Forza!"


"Lots and lots of love for Nidé, the little French brand that co-creates clean skincare products with Madames tout le monde based on voting ideas #beautydemocracy.

Today, she is at Simone's to present you a preview of her first 5 products, with 2 of her co-creators. We tested and loved Fesse Time, a soft skin care that makes the dryness granules that sometimes squat on our buttocks disappear; we can't wait to discover Oh My Periods! a pre-menstrual facial (and all the others). It only lasts one day (sniff) so run to it!"

Send the magic potion (My Little Beauty)

The only thing that hasn't changed in the last few months? Our periods. Well, with all the stress we've accumulated, we're getting even more PMS based on fatigue, nervousness and skin that feels like a 3rd B, full of pimples, blackheads and sebum attacks. The kind of thing that makes us curse all the pangolins on earth when it's not even their fault.

To stop the infernal circle, we tried many things but we never thought of adapting our routine one week before our period, when everything goes crazy. But Sarah did. And she gave her idea to Nidé to create a treatment that can be applied at the first symptoms of PMS.

Called Oh My Periods! this cream protects the flora of the epidermis, matifies naturally and gives a wonderful post-regulation glow.

Nidéco, the new generation lab that brings your cosmetic ideas to life!(La Défripe)

"Like many of us, you are used to spending hours in the cosmetic aisles asking yourself this question, "But which product really fits my skin?" Nidéco would say to you: "And if we proposed to you to create together your ideal product?"

Born from a brainstorming session (we also like creative aperitifs), 4 friends decided to put some sense into the creation of your cosmetics by giving you a voice. It's obvious, who better than YOU to talk about your skin?

This triggering tilt is at the origin of Nidé: the first collaborative platform of cosmetics. No, you are not dreaming! Convinced that YOU hold the real answers, this new kind of digital hub opens the doors of their creation lab and proposes to give life to your wildest beauty ideas.

The world of tomorrow according to Nidéco(Soon Soon Soon, the media that cultivates your curiosity)

"What do you think will change the world tomorrow?

The quest for meaning, putting meaning into what we do. There is also digital of course, we can more than ever exchange our values.
In short: sharing and community.

For you Sarah, why is the concept of Nidéco necessary?

Sarah, co-creator of Oh My Periods! Because it gives women the opportunity to consume differently and more healthily. We all have unnecessary, inappropriate and/or harmful products in our bathrooms, whether we are aware of it or not. Nidé shakes it up very strongly, first by informing, then by giving voice to women on their daily lives and their real needs and finally by giving them the power to create products that resemble them and that respond to real problems of women in real life, like me.

Oh My Periods

The taboo of menstruation is - slowly but surely - falling. This is thanks in particular to the advertisements for tampons and sanitary napkins where the "blue liquid" has disappeared. But menstruation has not only effects below the belt.

For Sarah and many other women, it is also synonymous with fatigue, pimples, blackheads, sensitive skin... So she had the idea of a rebalancing face cream dedicated to the period that she proposed to Nidé, with whom she has been co-creating for several months.

Masterclass NellyRodi(Podcast - NellyRodi)

This Masterclass is an exclusive interview with the cosmetic co-creation brand Nidé.co, during which we go back over the genesis of the brand's concept, the mechanisms put in place to federate a community on social networks, as well as the ambitions it has set for itself to disrupt the beauty industry of tomorrow!

The trendiest beauty incubator of the moment(BeautyToaster)

Nidé (as in Nid à idées) is a highly original concept that consists in co-creating beauty products. And the best part is that it's not a beauty professional who asks your opinion on his or her idea. No, it is you who carries the project, it is you the creator, it is you who propose your dream product...

And the best part is that if you are told you have a great project, they don't take your idea and produce it. No, no... too simple and a bit frustrating, we agree! No, you are really and totally part of the process, from the submission of your great idea to the production and even the marketing. And on top of that, you get paid for it all! Isn't that crazy?

Here, we are clearly beyond personalization. I had never seen that, the idea is just great! So, notice to the amateurs!

The cream that saves women during their periods(The French are spoiled)

The cream is now ready, I've been using it for the last two weeks and my skin is perfect! I didn't have any sebum at all, no pimples. My skin drank the cream and it did not feel overloaded quickly. No tantrums!

The cream is pleasant, soft, smells good ... I recommend it! It is also made in France and is composed of 97% natural ingredients.

Let's support the creative project of the sparkling Dina Heik!(Grazia)

This is the path taken by the young Dina Heik, 27 years old and a committed feminist. Passionate, ambitious and perceptive, she participated in the contest and unveiled a project full of promise: a soothing, moisturizing and firming care for the breasts. Named "Tits Party", this product answers the significant lack of care for this intimate and delicate area of the body.

Consumers decide what products will exist (VIP Lounge)

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Encore pour obtenir gratuitement I'm not a mermaid Mains, notre gelée hydratante (valeur de 12€) !

Encore pour obtenir gratuitement Mixed Feelings, notre masque illuminateur multi-actions (valeur de 25€) !

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Encore pour obtenir gratuitement I'm not a mermaid Mains, notre gelée hydratante réconfort anti-stress (valeur de 12€) !

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Need an idea? Here are our clean beauty products, co-created for real life:
Fesse Time Our anti pimple treatment for the buttocks, back and arms!
Oh My Periods! Our pre-menstrual balancing facial
All I Need Protective and anti-pollution face care co-created with 12,000 people
Glowy Hours Your vitamin treatment for a healthy glow!
Clean That Face Cleansing face cream that prevents blemishes
Mixed Feelings Our radiance, regulating and illuminating exfoliating mask

Complète ta routine pour recevoir gratuitement I'm not a mermaid Mains, notre gelée hydratante (valeur de 12€ 🎁) pour obtenir gratuitement notre masque illuminateur multi-actions en cadeau (valeur de 25€)

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