All about menstrual pain

❓ Having trouble dealing with your period pains? They can be uncomfortable, taking you away from your daily tasks. Many of us struggle to cope - either trying to ignore the discomfort, or relying on medications that don't always provide relief. The good news is that there are a variety of natural remedies and lifestyle changes you can make that can help reduce the intensity of menstrual cramps!
What is menstrual pain?
✔️ Menstruation is normal vaginal bleeding that occurs as part of a woman's menstrual cycle. Sometimes, menstruation can be accompanied by pain. This is called menstrual pain. Many women have painful periodsalso called dysmenorrhea. The pain is most often menstrual cramps, which are stabbing pains and cramps in the lower abdomen. You may also have other symptoms, such as back pain, nausea, diarrhea and headaches.
Menstrual pain is not the same as premenstrual syndrome (PMS). While both PMS and menstrual pain can be extremely distressing, it is important to understand the difference between these two sources of distress.
Primary dysmenorrhea
🩸 Primary dysmenorrhea is the cramping pain that occurs before or during the menstrual period. This pain is caused by natural chemicals called prostaglandins that are made in the lining of the uterus. Prostaglandins cause the muscles and blood vessels of the uterus to contract. On the first day of menstruation, the level of prostaglandins is high. As bleeding continues and the lining of the uterus is shed, the level decreases. This is why pain tends to decrease after the first few days of a period.
Secondary dysmenorrhea
🔎 Secondary dysmenorrhea is a type of menstrual pain caused by an underlying medical problem. Commonly associated with endometriosis, adenomyosis, uterine fibroids and pelvic inflammations, this form of menstrual pain can be more severe than primary dysmenorrhea. It is not directly caused by hormone levels, as primary dysmenorrhea can be.
✔️ Signs and symptoms associated with secondary dysmenorrhea include cramping, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, irregular bleeding and heavy flow, lower back pain, bloating or abdominal fullness, and psychological problems such as depression or irritability. To diagnose secondary dysmenorrhea, your doctor may suggest a pelvic ultrasound or other imaging tests to find any underlying pathology that is causing the pain.
- Do not hesitate to consult a doctor if you think you are suffering from secondary dysmenorrhea. He or she will be better able to make the right diagnosis and advise you on the right treatment.
What is PMS?
❓ PMS, or premenstrual syndrome, occurs in the days leading up to a woman's period and can cause symptoms such as fatigue, cravings, weight gain, mood swings, headaches, bloating and more. Menstrual pain tends to occur as soon as a woman starts her period and usually consists of cramping in the lower abdomen caused by the uterus contracting as it tries to shed its lining.
🔎 While both forms of discomfort are common and should not be ignored, treating them requires different approaches; lifestyle changes such as a healthy diet and regular exercise can help reduce PMS, while medication may be necessary for extreme menstrual pain.
- Find out how to relieve your premenstrual syndrome naturally
What impact does a painful period have on your life?
🩸 Menstrual pain is a very common painful condition that regularly affects more than 40% of women. Symptoms can include pain, nausea, and cramping, and are reported to be severe in 5-15% of those affected.
👱♀️ Menstrual pain is an extremely common experience and can have a disruptive effect on your disruptive effect on your daily life. Several research studies have examined how the common daily pain experienced by many women each month affects their ability to perform a range of complex tasks.
🙋 This shows that the effects of menstrual pain go beyond the sensory experience, affecting what we think and feel. One of the most studied phases of the menstrual cycle is the premenstrual phase, the period just before menstruation. During this phase, women may experience headaches, swelling and weight gain. Even the psyche can be affected, influencing the individual's mood and causing feelings of dejection or irritability.
🔎 These discomforts can have a serious impact on daily life, including difficulty getting to work or school or even engaging in activities enjoyed before your period. It can impact your ability to concentrate at school or work, as well as make regular tasks more difficult as simple movements (like standing up) can cause severe symptoms of cramping and discomfort. A person's relationships can also be affected due to increased irritability or low energy levels during a difficult cycle. It is important to seek medical attention as soon as the pain becomes too severe and negatively affects your daily life.
Although everyone manages pain differently, your painful period may affect your ability to concentrate, move around and do different activities. It can also have a negative effect on your mood and energy level.
Why do I have pain during my period?
💡 Painful menstruation, also known as dysmenorrhea, is common. Most women begin to experience primary dysmenorrhea in adolescence, usually within four to five years of their first menstrual period. Painful periods become less frequent as women age.
👩 The menstrual pain Are most likely caused by an excess of prostaglandins. Hormone-like compounds that are released from the uterine lining as it prepares to be excreted. The prostaglandins help the uterus contract and relax so that the endometrium can detach and drain out of your body. They are a necessary part of the process, but in excess, they cause pain if the uterus contracts strongly, blood flow is reduced and the supply of oxygen to the muscle tissue of the uterus is reduced, causing pain.
- Primary dysmenorrhea is most likely caused by an excess of prostaglandins. These hormones help the uterus to contract, but too many of them cause menstrual pain.
What causes menstrual pain?
➡️ For most people with menstrual cramps, it is still not known what predisposes them, and not others, to painful periods. Inflammation may play a role. Prostaglandin production is linked to inflammation and inflamed tissue tends to produce more prostaglandins. It has also been shown that people who experience more menstrual pain have higher levels of inflammatory markers in their blood, even after adjusting for factors related to chronic inflammation, such as BMI (Body Mass Index), smoking and alcohol consumption. Inflammation was also linked to worsening of other premenstrual symptoms, including mood changes.
✔️ People are more likely to have painful periods if they have heavy or long periods, if they started their periods early in life, or if their periods are irregular. Other factors that have been associated with painful periods include smoking, being thin, being under 30, having a pelvic infection and being sterilized.
As previously mentioned, certain conditions of the reproductive system can cause menstrual pain. One example is endometriosis.
What is menstrual pain?
Of course, the form, intensity and duration of menstrual pain depends on each person. There are generalizations that can be made that may be similar in part or in whole to what you experience each month.
What does menstrual pain look like?
📌 Menstrual pain can feel like a sharp, stabbing pain or a constant, dull ache. You will feel them lower in your abdomen than in your belly, and the pain may reach your upper legs and lower back. You may have an upset stomach, but menstrual pain will be lower in your abdomen than a stomachache.
Menstrual pain symptoms include:
- Stabbing pain or cramping in the lower abdomen that can be intense. This pain starts 1 to 3 days before your period, peaks 24 hours after the start of your period and subsides in 2 to 3 days.
- Dull and continuous pain.
- Pain that radiates to the lower back and thighs
- Some women also experience nausea, loose stools, headaches or dizziness
How long does menstrual pain last?
➡️ Menstrual pain usually begins when your bleeding starts, although some women experience pain several days before their period begins. The pain usually lasts from 48 to 72 hoursbut it can also last longer. The pain is often at its worst when your bleeding is heaviest.
👩 Young girls often experience menstrual pain when they start their periods. Menstrual pain that has no underlying cause tends to go away as a woman ages. Many women also notice an improvement after having children.
- Most pain lasts 48 to 72 hours after your period starts. You will probably have less menstrual pain as you get older.
Is it normal to have pain during your period?
👩🦰 Menstrual pain is common and a normal part of your menstrual cycle. While minor aches and pains can be considered normal, having extraordinary pain every month should not be accepted as just a part of life. It may be helpful to monitor the pain and talk to a health care professional if you find that it becomes unbearable or particularly disturbing. While some pain may be unavoidable due to individual anatomy, there are lifestyle options and medical interventions that can help make periods bearable and even comfortable.
- Having a painful period is a common phenomenon. However, unbearable pain every month should not be considered normal. Do not hesitate to consult a doctor if the pain is too severe.
When to consult a doctor in case of painful periods?
📌 It's perfectly normal to feel mild cramping and discomfort before or during your period, but sometimes the pain can become so unbearable that it affects your daily life. If this is the case, it is highly recommended that you see a doctor who can assess the severity of the problem and provide appropriate treatment.
➡️ Behavioral changes such as avoidance of activities and even difficulty concentrating can be caused by extreme menstrual cramps, and seeing a doctor can help you decide if you need additional medical care to manage the pain. Your doctor can also design certain lifestyle interventions or prescribe medications to help you through this difficult time.
You should also make an appointment with your doctor if:
- Your cramps suddenly get worse
- You are over 25 years old and experiencing severe cramps for the first time
- Your menstrual pain is accompanied by a fever
- You have pain and cramps even when you don't have your period
How to relieve menstrual pain?
❓ Do medications take too long to kick in or are you looking for more natural solutions? Fortunately, there are easy-to-implement alternatives, such as natural cosmetics allow you to reduce the intensity of your cramps to live your period to the fullest!
✔️ Although this may be easier said than done, it is important that you rest to relax muscle tension. Yoga, breathing techniques or meditation, choose the option that suits you best and relax. the option that works best for you and relax. In addition, doing low-intensity yoga or sports exercises can help reduce your pain by warming your muscles and eliminating stress. Whether it's a brisk walk or getting your heart rate up with a yoga session, consistent physical activity has been shown to improve circulation and help manage the uncomfortable physical effects of your period.
Take a hot bath or use a hot water bottle
🛀 The heat allows you to relax your muscles and relieve cramps. Place a hot water bottle or hot towel on your lower abdomen or back when cramps are too intense. Be careful not to burn your skin!
You can also take a bath to reduce the pain and enjoy a relaxing moment.
➡️ Finally, heat can do you good, even from the inside! Herbal tea or green tea can help reduce the discomfort of your period. Chamomile, ginger or dill are the ingredients to look for when choosing your herbal tea for period pains.
Change your diet to include anti-inflammatory foods.
🍎 Switch to an anti-inflammatory diet can make a huge difference when it comes to reducing period pain. This type of diet focuses on eating foods that reduce inflammation in the body, while avoiding those that increase it. Eating more whole fruits and vegetables, fatty fish, and other healthy oil sources will help you feel your best during your painful period. In addition to this, adding supplements such as omega 3 and turmeric can also be beneficial. By taking charge of what you eat around your menstrual cycle, you may find relief faster than you think.
Eat dark chocolate
✅ Chocolate fans, we are thrilled! Eating dark chocolate during menstrual cramps has been found to have incredible benefits. Not only can it increase endorphins, which can temporarily relieve pain, but it can also help to reduce inflammationwhich is essential for reducing period pain as well as other associated symptoms, such as headaches and nausea.
🍎 In addition to its medicinal properties, research-backed studies have also found that eating dark chocolate during menstruation helps stabilize cortisol levels, promoting a sense of calm and relaxation. So, we're not going to deprive ourselves!
Essential oils against painful periods
🍃 Maybe the answer against your painful period lies in essential oils! But which ones? Here are some essential oils to turn to for reducing your pain during that time of the month:
- Clary sage oil or tarragon oil: these two anti-spasmodic oils allow you to quickly relieve menstrual pain.
- Ylang-ylang oil: this oil is known to be soothing and anti-inflammatory.
- Fine lavender oil: Lavender is known for its soothing, anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxing properties. It helps relieve your menstrual pain and cramps and helps you relax.
- Tropical basil oil: this antispasmodic oil alleviates painful periods and associated cramps.
- Lemon oil: This essential oil reduces the symptoms of pain and nausea that accompany your period. It also makes you feel more relaxed.
Hemp oil against menstrual pain
🍃 Hemp oil has been recognized as a powerful ingredient in natural remedies to relieving menstrual cramps. This is because hemp oil contains a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids that help reduce inflammation in the body while providing other useful benefits such as regulating hormones, improving energy levels, reducing stress, and even reducing fatigue.
➡️ In addition, hemp oil contains substances called cannabinoids that can interact with our own endocannabinoid system, boosting mood and reducing stress - two factors that can influence the intensity of your cramps.
Massage your lower abdomen with massage oil
🙌 Massaging the lower abdomen with small circular movements relaxes your muscles and promotes smooth blood circulation. Choose a massage oil you love to make the relaxing moment even more pleasant. Opt for a cream enriched with essential oils with antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties and a gentle fragrance.
- We explain in detail how to relieve your menstrual pain
Not my problem, the serum to relieve your painful periods
🧴 The serum Not my Problem serum has been specially designed to relieve your period pains. Anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic, the cream gets rid of your painful cramps and nausea.
🍃 Not my Problem combines all the benefits of essential oils and hemp oil to ease your period pain! If you suffer from endometriosis, this serum will help you relieve the pain brought on by the disease.
🙌 Thanks to this essential oil-enriched serum, don't dread that time of the month anymore. Use it as a skin application to massage your lower abdomen and relax your aching muscles. The ultra-melting texture of Not my Problem instantly penetrates your skin for almost immediate relief. Plus, its warming action relaxes your muscles to soothe spasms and cramps.
Hello everyone.
I would like to share with you a product that has helped me relieve menstrual pain. I suffered from menstrual pain for a long time and tried many products such as: oils, bottles, etc.. But only the Vulpes smart heating belt helped me relieve the pain. Happy to share with you: The advantage is that you can control the heating temperature via your smartphone, your voice, buttons and set a timer for the heating.
I hope this helps you too.