Hemp, to relax

Hemp seed oil is rich in omega-6 and omega-3 and has many qualities. Indeed, these fatty acids confer a revitalizing and regenerating action to it because they make it possible to fight against the free radicals (antioxydant action).
It is also known for its soothing and emollient properties.
Hemp oil is perfect for massage because of its very soft texture that does not leave a greasy film and it would help to relieve chronic physical pain, muscles and joints that are overworked.
That's why we chose hemp oil to formulate Upper Chillthe Relaxing Muscle Massage Gel, co-created with Kelly.
Hemp has been used for several centuries for its anaesthetic properties. The cultivation of hemp is now very regulated.
As an example, only hemp without psychotropic active ingredient, THC, is authorized in France. However, these crops contain another cannabinoid, "Cannabidiol" better known as CBD, which also has many virtues on its own, now widely recognized.
The latter has long been confused with THC. Today, it is completely legal. Among its many virtues, one finds in particular a anti-inflammatory action which allows the relief of chronic pain, but also a anti-pain effect.By massage, it penetrates easily to allow a muscular relaxation and to support the appeasement. Calming, CBD helps to relieve pain but also reduce stress and anxiety. For a global relaxing action.
That's why it is part of the formulation of Not my problem, thought by Emma, ultra sensory oil to relieve menstrual pain.