Moisturising your skin: why and how

Moisturising your skin: why and how

First of all, do not confuse dry skin (type of skin) with dehydrated skin (skin condition):

👉 Dry skin (due to lipid stress) is a fairly rare type of skin, which is characterized more by flaking, scaling, overall tightness, dullness.

👉 Dehydrated skin, on the other hand, is due to abnormal water loss (localized tightness, discomfort, redness, lack of suppleness, fine lines, rough skin).

The skin naturally loses water as it evaporates. Dehydration, on the other hand, occurs when the skin's barrier function is compromised. This is water stress. The latter is due to external aggressions such as temperature variations , UVs and pollution.

Why and how to moisturize your skin to protect and maintain it

Moisturizing your skin is therefore above all a matter of limiting its water loss.

It is necessary to protect it and help it to maintain this famous barrier. How can we do this? By providing it with a fatty substance, such as vegetable oil, which will make the epidermis more waterproof and also more supple. It will also be necessary to capture moisture on the surface of the skin thanks to agents known as "hydrating" like glycerin and polysaccharides (sugar chains).

Moisturizing your skin is also about choosing the right skin care product

Depending on your skin type, not all creams are suitable. For a skin with a tendency to be oily (over-production of sebum), a cream that is too rich may not penetrate completely, going so far as to block the pores of the skin. Imperfections may appear. On the other hand, a dry skin will have to benefit from a greater contribution in lipids (fatty substance) to rebalance it.


Our hydration selection by Nidéco :

🌟 Glowy hours: To boost your tired skin and make your complexion glow!

Borage seed oil, rich in fatty acids to support the skin's natural defenses and promote proper hydration, combined with brown seaweed extract and acerola, rich in anti-oxidants, to oxygenate, smooth and illuminate the complexion. A real boost for the skin, with a light shade and a fresh texture, for a guaranteed glow!


🏃🏻♀️ Fit & fabulous: For those in a hurry, sporty people, for an instant matte complexion touch-up and a perfect ally for the summer heat!

A care product specially designed for active and sporty people. It moisturizes and soothes the skin after a session or an effort, when it has lost a lot of water. Designed as a mist for quick use at any time of day (without touching the face), this treatment with alpine rose extract, witch hazel and silica is also great for those in a hurry who want to both moisturize and mattify without effort.


👊🏼 All I need, co-created with you, anti-pollution protective detox skincare for clean, healthy skin

For many months we have been collecting your confidences and requirements in order to co-create with you the daily facial care that is as simple as it is effective. Hydration + protection + anti-pollution is the winning combo to meet your expectations. Together we have developed it!

Remember also to alternate from time to time with a more specific care, depending on the condition of your skin (but always moisturizing!):

🌸Ohmy periods! : Specific care for the pre-menstrual period

Based on Glycerin, oligosaccharide and sunflower oil to guarantee the good hydration of the skin and its protection, associated with pre-biotics and peony to limit the imperfections during the premenstrual period. The whole in a light texture which will be appropriate to the greatest number.

And don't forget your BODY!


🍑Buttock time: moisturize your buttocks!

Never neglect your buttocks. Often due to a lack of hydration, small pimples and rougher skin can appear. To counter this, Fesse Time has been formulated with protective jojoba oil and moisturizing shea butter. The advantage? A texture that penetrates ultra quickly and ingredients like brown algae and acmella, for firmer, smoother skin. The bonus? Blackcurrant for a toning action.


 🏊🏼♀️ I'm not a mermaid: Repair dry skin damaged by chlorine and limescale

Tightness, dehydration, discomfort? our skin is weakened by repeated showers with water that is often very hard. This creamy gel, to be applied after the shower, will soothe tightness and possible burns, while rehydrating the skin for a total repair effect. It has a draining and toning effect that reactivates blood circulation and a quick penetration thanks to its non-sticky texture. It is finished the skin of crocodile!



  • Maintain the water content of your skin by using a daily moisturizing and protective care. Applying it will allow your skin to limit its water loss while protecting it from external aggressions (which damage the hydrolipidic film).
  • Exfoliate regularly: when the skin is very dry, for example on the legs, oils can have difficulty penetrating. By exfoliating, dead skin is eliminated and the skin is better able to receive moisturizing and nourishing treatments. Our face scrub, MIXED FEELING, : Its formula will allow to eliminate the dead cells by a mechanical action, but also to rebalance the skin and to nourish it thanks to camellia and hazelnut oils.
  • And to boost the effects of your daily moisturizer, you cancombine itwith a specific serum depending on your problem. More concentrated in active ingredients but more fluid, it is applied before the cream and provides a specific solution, without saturating the skin (so you can switch to your pref cream afterwards). (We don't have any yet at Nidé.co, don't hesitate to submit your project ;-) )
  • If you like simple routines, choose a moisturizer in the morning (specific to your skin type and problems) and an oil in the evening, for nutrition.
  • And of course, the thing we are told everywhere and all the time: drink water! For a well-hydrated skin, it is necessary before that to come from the interior. Drinking at least 1.5L of water per day allows our cells to regenerate. Cheers!




Glowy Hours
4.88/5 - 393 notice
Glowy face care boosted with vitamins
DÉCOUVRIR | €28,00 ADD | €28,00
Vitamin shot Vitamin shot
Immediate natural healthy glow Immediate natural healthy glow
Rehydrated skin Rehydrated skin
Matifying mist
Fit & Fabulous
4.78/5 - 67 notice
Anti-hot flash matifying mist
DÉCOUVRIR | €23,00 AJOUTER | €23,00
Freshness and immediate relief Freshness and immediate relief
Anti-redness Anti-redness
Peau matifiée, hydratée et pores resserrés Peau matifiée, hydratée et pores resserrés
All I Need
4.89/5 - 267 notice
Soin de jour protecteur anti-pollution
DÉCOUVRIR | €32,00 AJOUTER | €32,00
Oxygenated, clear and healthy skin Oxygenated, clear and healthy skin
Protection from external aggression Protection from external aggression
Radiant blemish-free complexion Radiant blemish-free complexion
Hormonal Acne
Oh My Periods!
4.82/5 - 475 notice
Face care for the menstrual period
DÉCOUVRIR | €29,00 ADD | €29,00
Max comfort & protection Max comfort & protection
Regulated & vitalized sensitive skin Regulated & vitalized sensitive skin
Reduced inflammation Reduced inflammation
Acné Corps
Fesse Time
4.77/5 - 2517 notice
Tonifying & purifying cream against body acne
DÉCOUVRIR | €28,00 ADD | €28,00
Purified skin Purified skin
Soft skin Soft skin
More toned butt More toned butt
I'm not a mermaid
4.95/5 - 134 notice
Anti-chlorine and lime repair gel
DÉCOUVRIR | €26,00 ADD | €26,00
Soothed tension Soothed tension
Moisturised & repaired skin Moisturised & repaired skin
Comfortable feeling Comfortable feeling
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Déshydratation post été : Comment réparer sa peau et ses cheveux ?

Déshydratation post été : Comment réparer sa peau et ses cheveux ?

L'été est une période de l'année où nous passons beaucoup de temps à l'extérieur, profitant du soleil et des activités aquatiques. Cependant, cette exposition prolongée aux éléments peut avoir des effets négatifs sur notre peau et nos cheveux. La déshydratation est l'un des principaux problèmes auxquels nous devons faire face après les mois chauds de l'été.

La déshydratation et ses effets sur la peau du visage

1. Signes 

La peau du visage est particulièrement sensible à la déshydratation. Les signes courants de déshydratation incluent :

- Sécheresse et rugosité : La peau peut devenir sèche, rugueuse au toucher, et peler.

- Teint terne: Une peau déshydratée manque d'éclat et semble souvent fatiguée. - Rides et ridules : La déshydratation accentue les rides et ridules, donnant une apparence plus âgée.

- Sensibilité accrue : La peau peut devenir plus sensible, réactive et sujette aux rougeurs.


2. Causes

- Exposition solaire : Les rayons UV dessèchent la peau et endommagent la barrière cutanée.

- Vent et chaleur : Ces éléments accélèrent l'évaporation de l'eau de la peau.

- Produits inadaptés : Utiliser des produits agressifs ou ne pas hydrater suffisamment aggrave la situation.


Impact de la déshydratation sur la peau du corps

1. Facteurs

- Baignades fréquentes : Le chlore dans les piscines et le sel de la mer dessèchent la peau.

- Transpiration excessive: La perte d'eau due à la transpiration doit être compensée par une hydratation adéquate.

- Douche trop chaude et/ou répétées: Les douches chaudes ou trop répétées dans la journée peuvent enlever les huiles naturelles de la peau.


2. Conséquences

La peau de notre corps peut également souffrir de déshydratation, se manifestant par :

- Démangeaisons et inconfort : La peau sèche peut provoquer des démangeaisons et une sensation générale d'inconfort.

- Desquamation: La déshydratation entraîne une desquamation, où des petites plaques de peau morte se détachent.

- Perte d'élasticité : La peau déshydratée perd de son élasticité, pouvant provoquer une sensation de tiraillement.


Les cheveux & la déshydratation

1. Causes

- Exposition solaire: Les rayons UV endommagent la cuticule des cheveux.

- Produits chimiques: Les colorations et autres traitements chimiques peuvent assécher les cheveux.

- Séchage excessif : Utiliser trop souvent des outils chauffants comme le sèche-cheveux et le fer à lisser.


2. Signes

Les cheveux déshydratés présentent souvent les symptômes suivants :

- Aspect terne et cassant: Les cheveux perdent leur brillance naturelle et deviennent cassants.

- Pointes fourchues: La déshydratation accentue les pointes fourchues et les cheveux peuvent paraître abîmés.

- Frisottis: Les cheveux déshydratés sont plus sujets aux frisottis.


Nos conseils et nos soins post-été

1. Hydrater la Peau du Visage et du Corps

- Hydratation quotidienne : Utiliser une crème hydratante adaptée à votre type de peau chaque jour. On vous propose All I need, & Fit & fabulous et Night must go on

- Masques hydratants : Appliquer des masques une à deux fois par semaine comme notre masque gommant doux Mixed feelings

- Boire beaucoup d'eau : L'hydratation interne est aussi importante que l'hydratation externe.


2. Prendre Soin de Ses Cheveux

- Utiliser des soins capillaires : Les leave-in peuvent aider à sceller l'hydratation comme You’re so curly et Hair yeah

- Limiter l'utilisation des outils chauffants : Laisser sécher les cheveux à l'air libre autant que possible.

- Masques capillaires : Appliquer des masques hydratants régulièrement pour nourrir les cheveux en profondeur. Sea ya beach


3. Adopter de Bonnes Habitudes

- Protéger sa peau : Utiliser des écrans solaires pour protéger la peau des UV même après l'été.

- Régime équilibré : Une alimentation riche en vitamines et en minéraux soutient la santé de la peau et des cheveux.

- Éviter les douches trop chaudes : Privilégier les douches tièdes pour préserver les huiles naturelles de la peau.


En conclusion, la déshydratation est un problème courant mais souvent négligé après l'été. En prenant des mesures pour hydrater et protéger notre peau et nos cheveux, nous pouvons prévenir les dommages et maintenir une apparence saine et éclatante toute l'année.

Prenez soin de vous et n'oubliez pas que l'hydratation est la clé d'une beauté durable. 

We are the cosmetics brand that will never do anything without you

Nideco - Natural cosmetics


It is time to give the power back to those who use cosmetics: you!

So we did that! For you, we have created the cosmetic co-creation model: a unique concept that revolutionises the historical model of cosmetics that you already know. The concept: you tell us what you need, what is missing in current products. Then we co-create with you, and the whole community, this product that will finally meet your needs.

It's about time!

Nideco - Co creation cosmetique


Just because we are breaking the rules doesn't mean we can't be gentle (for your skin) 💛 We only have clean formulas and that's what matters.

We start from your needs and find the best possible formula and choose the right active natural ingredients: there are only a few but they are all rigorously selected. The formula is clean, without harmful or controversial ingredients and with a minimum of 95% natural ingredients.

Nideco - Cleab Beauty


Beyond cosmetics, our mission is to share the values that mean a lot to us: accepting ourselves as we are, learning to love ourselves, saying no to beauty standards and other preconceived ideas, shed light on taboo subjects, defending the freedoms of everyone…

And we want to do it with you, we want to talk with you, to exchange with you, to understand you and give you some good mood in your daily life.

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Plus que pour la livraison gratuite !

Encore pour obtenir gratuitement I'm not a mermaid Mains, notre gelée hydratante (valeur de 12€) !

Encore pour obtenir gratuitement Mixed Feelings, notre masque illuminateur multi-actions (valeur de 25€) !

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Encore pour obtenir gratuitement I'm not a mermaid Mains, notre gelée hydratante réconfort anti-stress (valeur de 12€) !

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Need an idea? Here are our clean beauty products, co-created for real life:
Fesse Time Our anti pimple treatment for the buttocks, back and arms!
Oh My Periods! Our pre-menstrual balancing facial
All I Need Protective and anti-pollution face care co-created with 12,000 people
Glowy Hours Your vitamin treatment for a healthy glow!
Clean That Face Cleansing face cream that prevents blemishes
Mixed Feelings Our radiance, regulating and illuminating exfoliating mask

Complète ta routine pour recevoir gratuitement I'm not a mermaid Mains, notre gelée hydratante (valeur de 12€ 🎁) pour obtenir gratuitement notre masque illuminateur multi-actions en cadeau (valeur de 25€)

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