What if we started by accepting that we don't always succeed?
Wanting to do well is good, of course, but sometimes you can't and that's okay.
- We have the right to be wrong (Mayday, Mayday!)
We always have compassion for those around us, but rarely for ourselves. And it is good to remember that everyone has the right to make mistakes, starting with oneself.
- We take the height (Jack, we fly!)
We try to take a step back to evaluate our failures and understand, if necessary, how we got there and what made us face this or that situation.
- We ask ourselves the right questions (Can you repeat, please?)
We don't forget that the pressure we put on ourselves often comes from the outside: various injunctions, mental load... all this must also be taken into account when everything seems unattainable:
Do I really need to achieve this goal, for myself, or is it to please others (by forgetting myself)?
🌟 Little memo: you're already doing a lot and you're doing it the best you can.
What if we started by remembering all the things we have already accomplished and can be proud of?