Politique de Confidentialité

Nidéco (whose coordinates are listed at the end of this privacy policy) is in the business of creating cosmetic products.

Dans le cadre de la co-création de produits cosmétqiues Nidéco, Nidéco est amené à collecter et traiter un certain nombre de données personnelles concernant les Participant(e)s.

Nidéco attaches the greatest importance to the protection of the private life and the personal data of its interlocutors and to the respect of the regulations in force.

The treatment of these data by Nidéco as responsible of treatment is realized according to the modalities described below.

La présente politique de confidentialité est relative à la protection des données personnelles fournies à Nidéco par les Participants d'un co-création de produit cosmétiques.

Par la participation à une co-création de produit cosmétiques, les Participant(e)s sont informé(e)s et acceptent la présente politique de confidentialité.

Definitions of capitalized words are included in the bylaws.

  • Personal data collected by Nidéco
  • Personal data communicated by the Participant in order to participate in the Contest: 


Données fournies dans le formulaire de participation à une co-création de produit :

  • La participation à un formulaire de co-création nécessite la fourniture des informations suivantes telles que le nom, prénom, âge, adresse email, compte Instagram, et des informations relatives à la co-création du produit concerné comme les problématiques de peau ressenties et les besoins en terme de produit cosmétiques.

Finalités et base juridique : le traitement de ces données personnelles est nécessaire pour permettre à Nidéco de respecter ses obligations, notamment pour le développement d'un futur produit cosmétique. Le traitement est fondé sur les intérêts légitimes de la personne concernée et de Nidéco aux fins de la co création de produits avec des consommateurs.

Toute personne ne souhaitant pas fournir les informations nécessaires ne pourra participer à la co-création de produits cosmétiques.

  • Processing of Personal Data

The personal data are the object of a data-processing treatment by Nidéco in quality of person in charge of treatment for the purposes exposed above.

Nidéco commits itself not to use them in any other framework, nor to transmit them to third parties, except in the cases foreseen in this privacy policy or after information and, if necessary, consent of the concerned person.

Recipients Nidéco may be required to communicate the personal data processed to third parties in the context of compliance with a legal obligation, for example to respond to claims related to information and content that may violate the rights of third parties, at the request of a judicial or public authority, or pursuant to a judicial or administrative decision, or an independent administrative authority.

Personal Data may be disclosed, solely for the purposes set forth above, by Nidéco to its employees and suppliers, including certain service providers transferring data outside the European Union. Nidéco takes all measures to require that such recipients comply with applicable regulations and, where applicable, that transfers outside the European Union are based on an adequate level of protection or sufficient safeguards.

Conservation and archiving Personal data are kept for the purposes described above for the time necessary to achieve these purposes.

Les Données Personnelles concernant la Participante / le Participant seront conservées par Nidéco pendant toute la durée du développement du produit jusqu’à son éventuelle commercialisation.

These data are archived for the time necessary to establish, exercise or defend a right in justice, equivalent to the duration of prescription applicable to the obligations between Nidéco and the person concerned.

Nidéco makes its best efforts to keep and archive these personal data in appropriate security conditions in compliance with the applicable provisions, according to the current technical means.


  • Cookies and tracers


A cookie or tracer is a file that is deposited and/or read in the Participant's terminal (computer, mobile device, etc.) or linked to the user's identifiers.


Des cookies tiers déposés et gérés par des partenaires pour rendre différents services (mesure d’audience permettant d’obtenir des statistiques sur les visites du site, cookies liés à la fonctionnalité de partage sur les réseaux sociaux) sont utilisés sur le Site Internet NIDECO.FR


These are the following cookies:



Duration of validity


Social network trackers generated by the sharing buttons.

Cookie to authenticate the Participant through his/her Facebook account.


13 months

Google Analytics


2 days




En poursuivant sa navigation sur le Site Internet NIDECO.FR ou en cliquant sur accepter, la Participante / le Participant, donne son consentement à l’utilisation des cookies.

The Participant may oppose or uninstall cookies by following the settings of his or her browser or terminal operating system, or by using the functions provided for this purpose on the Website.

The deletion of cookies previously present on the browser does not affect navigation on the Website, but will cause the Participant to lose all the benefits provided by the cookie.

The Participant will have to give his/her consent to the deposit of cookies on the Website the next time he/she connects.

Refusal of cookies may limit navigation on the Website or the use of the services offered.

Nidéco reserves the right to modify this Policy of use of cookies when changes are made to the configuration and/or use of the same.

For more information, the user can address any question to Nidéco to the coordinates appearing below.

Rights of the Participant on the Data communicated to Nidéco

Any person having communicated personal data to Nidéco has the following rights on these:

  • A right of access and rectification;
  • A right to erasure of data ("right to be forgotten"), a right to limitation of processing and a right to object to processing in the cases provided for by the regulations in force;
  • The right to define directives concerning the fate of one's personal data after death;
  • The right to the portability of the raw data provided to Nidéco;
  • The right to lodge a complaint with the competent authority (notably the CNIL in France).

These rights can be exercised by e-mail or by post at the address below.

These rights must be exercised under the conditions provided for by the regulations in force. In particular, the following may be requested a copy of an identity card of the applicant or any document in order to prove his identity to Nidéco.

  • Nideco's contact information

NIDÉCO SAS, Capital social de 92 800 Euros, Immatriculé au RCS de Marseille, sous le numéro 853 663 219 , 150 Chemin de la porteuse , 13400 Aubagne, Adresse mail : [email protected] Représentant légal : MSCO représenté par Simon Menard


Charte des valeurs Nidéco

We believe in co-construction with humility, listening, exchange and requirement.

Decompartmentalize the relationship à traditional cosmetics to establish a partner relationship with our consumers. Listening, exchanging, in all humility, to co-construct together products that resemble them.

We are committed to offering you good products:

  • They are elaborated from ingredients and active principles as natural as possible.
  • They include at least one active ingredient of natural origin, plant
  • They are composed of few ingredients, all rigorously selected.
  • They are in agreement with the European cosmetic regulation (n°1223/2009), we confirm it to you: none of our products is tested on animals.
  • They are created for the most fragile skins and our lovely planet, our formulas do not contain : Silicone, Phenoxyethanol, PEG's (PolyEthylene Glycol), Mineral Oil, Sulfate, EDTA, Methylisothiazolinone (MIT), raw materials of animal origin.



Celebrating beauty in all its forms to empower à each woman to express her uniqueness.

A beautiful woman is a woman who feels good about herself. Proud of who she is, she embraces those little "somethings" that make her special.

It is beautiful because it cultivates what makes it unique.





Your cart

Plus que pour la livraison gratuite !

Plus que pour la livraison gratuite !

Encore pour obtenir gratuitement I'm not a mermaid Mains, notre gelée hydratante (valeur de 12€) !

Encore pour obtenir gratuitement Mixed Feelings, notre masque illuminateur multi-actions (valeur de 25€) !

is on pre-order: your entire order will be sent when it is available. If you wish to receive a product before, we advise you to place several orders.
When your pre-order is available, we will send you a message and your order will be sent!

Encore pour obtenir gratuitement I'm not a mermaid Mains, notre gelée hydratante réconfort anti-stress (valeur de 12€) !

When your pre-order is available, we will send you a message and your order will be sent!
Free shipping 💛
Profite de I'm not a Mermaid Mains offert dans ta commande (soit 12€ offerts !)
Enjoy two free treatments with your order!
Mixed Feelings est offert aujourd'hui dès 130€
Notre masque illuminateur multi-actions ✨
Only to receive it for free!
0,00€ 🎁
En ce moment, I'm not a mermaid Mains est offert dès 90€
Notre gelée hydratante pour les mains, effet réparateur total
Only to receive it for free!
0,00€ 🎁
You have nothing in your cart !

Need an idea? Here are our clean beauty products, co-created for real life:
Fesse Time Our anti pimple treatment for the buttocks, back and arms!
Oh My Periods! Our pre-menstrual balancing facial
All I Need Protective and anti-pollution face care co-created with 12,000 people
Glowy Hours Your vitamin treatment for a healthy glow!
Clean That Face Cleansing face cream that prevents blemishes
Mixed Feelings Our radiance, regulating and illuminating exfoliating mask

Complète ta routine pour recevoir gratuitement I'm not a mermaid Mains, notre gelée hydratante (valeur de 12€ 🎁) pour obtenir gratuitement notre masque illuminateur multi-actions en cadeau (valeur de 25€)

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